The heavily-meta “Honest Trailers: Kong: Skull Island.”

There was some drama in August involving CinemaSins*, Kong: Skull Island, and KSI’s director Jordan Vogt-Roberts. This particular episode of Honest Trailers — which involves Vogt-Roberts showing up halfway through and ripping his own direction a new orifice — is not actually involved in said drama; it’s apparently just a genuine coincidence (they had asked Vogt-Roberts to come and do his own movie in July).  Regardless of the motivations, it’s a pretty good look at the flick itself. Continue reading The heavily-meta “Honest Trailers: Kong: Skull Island.”

Director who directed “The Book of Henry” no longer directing “Star Wars IX.”

Sorry.  I thought that I should provide some possible context…

Lucasfilm and Colin Trevorrow have mutually chosen to part ways on Star Wars: Episode IX. Colin has been a wonderful collaborator throughout the development process but we have all come to the conclusion that our visions for the project differ. We wish Colin the best and will be sharing more information about the film soon.

…since the above statement declines to give any whatsoever. As has been noted on Twitter, Disney has tossed three directors on two Star Wars films this year; clearly, the Mouse is King Stork, not King Log. Did Trevorrow’s critical and (almost certainly) financial flop have anything to do with that?  I dunno; it depends on your opinion of Disney.  I think that it’s at least reasonable to assume that The Book of Henry at least destroyed whatever margin for error the director would have had. Disney is unlikely to take any chances, as this corporate training video from the 1970s will demonstrate: Continue reading Director who directed “The Book of Henry” no longer directing “Star Wars IX.”

Leonardo DiCaprio as the Joker?

That’s what the fever swamp rumor mill is suggesting: “Sources say Warners will make an ambitious attempt to use [Martin] Scorsese to bring Leonardo DiCaprio into the world of comic-book movies.” The idea is that Scorsese and DiCaprio work together a lot, and thus having the one might entice the other to play the Joker for Scorsese’s DC Comics art film*.  Apparently this would not replace Jared Leto in DCU continuity, which will either please you or sadden you, depending. Continue reading Leonardo DiCaprio as the Joker?

Mads Mikkelsen is interested in doing Fox’s Doctor Doom movie.

I assume that you all know the immediate problem with that, yes?  That’s right!  It’d require that Fox do a Doctor Doom movie.  GeekTyrant is excited about this, on general principles; and I’m not saying that Mads Mikkelsen couldn’t do a good job as Doctor Doom.  He absolutely could. I just don’t see how Fox can be relied upon to produce a decent Doctor Doom flick. Continue reading Mads Mikkelsen is interested in doing Fox’s Doctor Doom movie.

Why ISN’T there a Skyrim flick?

Have we had this conversation before?  — Anyway, below is a fan-made trailer for Skyrim*.  I understand that Chris Hemsworth is off being Thor right now, but: why isn’t somebody making this movie?

And yes, I know that video game movies generally suck.  However, there is a perfectly good story-line in Skyrim: “Dragonborn has the power of dragons, must kill Most Evil Dragon Of All to save world.”  You can get an entire series out of that.  Sure, it’d crash and burn — just like all the other video game movies that they keep insisting on making.  So I’m not sure why nobody in Hollywood wants to try with this franchise.

Moe Lane


New clip from “The Shape of Water.”

The Shape of Water is Guillermo del Toro’s… well, it’s probably not going to be del Toro’s take on “The Shadow Over Innsmouth,” but I look forward to seeing it on December 8th anyway.  Despite the fact that the art critics are raving about it: they’re going into the theater for one thing, and I’m going in for something entirely else. It’s no particular skin off of my nose if they find art in the creature feature flick that I’m watching. Continue reading New clip from “The Shape of Water.”