Tweet of the Day, …Well, Sh*t edition.


Via @Strangeland_Elf.

Doctor Doom movie dead. At Fox.

At least, that’s the word: “…Fox has been developing films for Gambit, X-Force, and Doctor Doom for quite awhile, but according to a recent report… those movies are all dead thanks to the upcoming Fox and Disney merger.”  ‘Recent report’ being a tweet, but OK.  It’s 2019, that’s how this stuff goes now. Continue reading Doctor Doom movie dead. At Fox.

Would this be worth letting Thanos win?

Well, obviously not.

But the basic point is correct: Marvel has an obvious way to rejuvenate the MCU, doesn’t it?

Moe Lane

PS: There is a rumor of a possibility of a hint that Silver Surfer might have a walk-on role of some kind in Infinity War.  Not to get your hopes up, or anything.  And if that sounds like something would have leaked, well: you’d say the same of Spider-Man showing up in Civil War.

Mads Mikkelsen is interested in doing Fox’s Doctor Doom movie.

I assume that you all know the immediate problem with that, yes?  That’s right!  It’d require that Fox do a Doctor Doom movie.  GeekTyrant is excited about this, on general principles; and I’m not saying that Mads Mikkelsen couldn’t do a good job as Doctor Doom.  He absolutely could. I just don’t see how Fox can be relied upon to produce a decent Doctor Doom flick. Continue reading Mads Mikkelsen is interested in doing Fox’s Doctor Doom movie.