My brief, spoiler-free review of the awesome Wonder Woman.

Short version: it’s awesome.   More brightly-colored, recognizably good vs. unquestionably evil superhero flicks with good actors and action, please. Seriously, DC could have done something like this for Man of Steel and they should have, too. Continue reading My brief, spoiler-free review of the awesome Wonder Woman.

Gonna go see Wonder Woman tonight.

Let me just get this out of the way: based on the reviews I’ve seen already, I expect Wonder Woman to be watching a fun, good superhero popcorn movie with good chemistry between the leads.  And that’s all that the movie is obliged to be.  [X]%* of all the other stuff is nice and everything, but the goal here is to keep people from regretting that they put down money to watch the movie.  If they don’t regret it, then it could be as stupid as, I dunno, Spaceballs or something and it’d still be OK.

But from what I hear, it’s not stupid, and it won’t suck. I’ll still do the Geek’s Prayer, though. Just to be on the safe side.

Moe Lane

*The number ain’t 0% (there’s no reason why we couldn’t have had a good Wonder Woman movie before this) and the number ain’t 100% (some people are treating this film like it’s the Messiah); pick whatever percentage that you like.

So they’re doing a retro-snarky ANT-MAN on Disney XD

I love the colors and the aesthetic.  They wanted to get the old-school Marvel look, and I think they succeeded. I don’t mind the snark, given that Ant-Man was a movie that recognized the basic absurdity of its premise and decided to go have fun with it. This looks entertaining, but not particularly deep.  I like having that, every so often.

‘Wizard Cops.’

A cut-down version of this is making the rounds at Facebook. I really wish people would stop doing that.  It’s rude, and disrespectful of property rights.  Somebody went to a lot of trouble to make something like this; the least you can do is link back to it.

The Cars/Cars 2 Honest Trailer.

I personally liked Cars more than the Honest Trailers folks did — they didn’t hate it, mind — because it was basically a kids’ flick, and my kids loved it (and Mater Tales), so it did its duty.  But it was entertaining to listen to Announcer Guy skip ahead to Cars 2, only to spiral into a Madness Anagnorisis over thinking too much about the implications of the Cars universe.  Not least because there were a couple of points in there that I hadn’t considered yet.  Since the disquieting world-building needed to make Cars work is something I find interesting, it’s always nice to encounter a new, chilling insight.

The Dark Tower’s trick reloading.

They got some Dark Tower TV spots up over on Coming Soon, and I have to note: I like the stuff with the reloading.

Some of it is subtle SPX, some of it is… not. But it’s necessary, I think. It’d have been the easiest thing in the world just never to see Roland reload his guns; in a weird sort of way, having it be kind of a super power makes it a little less over-the-top. Shows that everybody in the production was paying attention to the movie, and all that.

Won’t lie: kinda pumped to see this in August.

So, the Captain Underpants movie drops tomorrow.

God help us all. But God especially help me: my eldest is addicted to Captain Underpants books.  He may insist on actually seeing this movie in theaters.  If not, he’ll certainly insist on watching it 367 times when it hits DVD/Netflix.

No, I’m not exaggerating that number in the slightest.  I used to pride myself on never watching Power Rangers.  And then I had children, so now I can identify the season and who the Rangers are fighting simply by listening to the background noise.

Doug and Bob McKenzie coming back for one night in Toronto!

(H/T: Nerdbastards) Hey. HEY! This is important, you hosers.

Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas, who played SCTV‘s and SNL‘s beer-loving McKenzie brothers during the 1980s, are reuniting for a July 18 benefit concert in Toronto. …Moranis and Thomas are set to reprise their roles as the Canadian bumpkins Bob and Doug McKenzie on an imaginary talk show, Great White North.

I don’t care what anybody says: Strange Brew was a great movie. And these two did some great skits. Not that I can go to Toronto to see them.