The reassuring ‘American Gods’ series trailer.

‘Reassuring’ in that I kept recognizing characters and scenes on sight, which tells me that the original novel was not an afterthought to the people who made the American Gods series. Certainly Neil Gaiman seems to be happy enough.  It’s a real shame that I’ll need to wait for the DVD for this one:

Why reboot the Matrix series? I dunno, because the sequels sucked?

I’m going to commit heresy, here: I liked the Matrix – the first one.  The sequels entered into the Land of Suckage shortly thereafter, because they were stuck trying to get around Neo’s apotheosis at the end of the first movie.  Becoming a god is interesting to watch; being a god can get old, fast. Real heresy: they should have made the first movie into a two-parter: the first part would be Neo learning that his world is a lie, and the second be Neo gaining levels in badass.  Then have Neo deal with the super-computer or whatever in the last film.

Now, if they do that in this Matrix reboot – which will not involve the Wachowskis, which doesn’t actually bother me: they’re the reason why the series ended in such a mess – that would be worth watching.  Particularly if they got rid of that stupid body heat explanation.  Cows!  The Matrix would use cows for body heat!  They’re larger and can’t rebel against the system.

…Sorry about that.  Some wounds never fully heal.

The remarkably brutal “Beauty and the Beast” Honest Trailer.

And not just the obvious stuff, either.  There’s some implications about being a sentient piece of housewares that you will not consider until after you see this trailer, and you may not be all that happy about having those implications brought to your attention.  Kids’ movies can go to weird places.


Off to Kong: Skull Island.

Because if I don’t go see it while the sun is still shining and there’s still blue in the sky, God knows when I’m going to see it this week.  We’re right on the edge of the heavy snowfall zone – there’s just something about I-95 – and even if we get through all right the county as a whole will shut down. That means kids home for probably the next two days.

So. Movie time!

Well, here’s another Wonder Woman trailer.

:drumming fingers: I want to believe that this isn’t going to be bad.  I really do. But I can see either a really good Wonder Woman movie peeking out of this trailer, or a really bad one.  And I won’t know which one we’re all going to see until it actually comes out.

Continue reading Well, here’s another Wonder Woman trailer.

Bring back the Red Skull!

A little bit earlier I was wondering on Twitter when they were bringing back the Red Skull to the MCU – dissolved or no, he and Loki are the only two really decent villains the movies have had – and then I found out that the answer is ‘probably not, because Hugo Weaving didn’t enjoy the experience.’  Which is a shame, honestly. He pretty much locked in that role. Continue reading Bring back the Red Skull!

I’m not sure what’s more surreal about Thor: Ragnarok.

…that Jeff Goldblum has decided to embrace his inner David Bowie*:

Continue reading I’m not sure what’s more surreal about Thor: Ragnarok.