The Rather Gory KRAVEN THE HUNTER trailer. (NSFW)

Yeah, it’s definitely R-rated. In fact, I’m pretty sure somebody’s head got ripped off in that trailer. Which was a little surprising, seeing as I’m most familiar with Kraven the Hunter from his UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL run, where he does… not do such things*.

Looks like it’s worth a look-see, at least. There’s a decent cast in there.

Moe Lane

Continue reading The Rather Gory KRAVEN THE HUNTER trailer. (NSFW)

Well, there will be no living with @vancityreynolds now.

At least, not if you’re one of the suits at Disney. “Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman’s superhero film Deadpool & Wolverine has crossed a major milestone at the global box office as it surpassed $1 billion on Sunday.” Disney-Marvel rather needs some numbers on the board right now, so the successes of both DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE and INSIDE OUT 2 are going to have even more influence on future projects than even their billion dollar grosses might suggest.

Also, I have every confidence in Reynolds being a 100% certified Grade-A PitA about it, with all of it focused like a parabolic mirror on a group of people who I don’t actually like very much. I know parasociality is the pernicious drug of this age, but surely a little vicarious schadenfreude won’t hurt. Even if it does hurt, it’ll barely be a sting. More like a pinch than anything else. I can take it.

Just watched the first half of BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER…

…and I actually like it. I’m a sucker for the 1940s aesthetic, and I like how we’re at the Year One Batman crime boss level of shenanigans and Adam West-Batman power levels instead of the more, ah, elaborate stuff. If I have a criticism, it’s that the animation style can feel a little… I dunno what the term is. “Flat,” maybe? Like the characters are moving through layered sets of backgrounds, instead of an actual space. It was most noticeable in the pilot, but I get a flash from time to time.

All in all, BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER is, yeah, a Batman show. I like Batman shows. I like this one. I’m going to finish this season.

The ‘Schrodinger’s Show’ SATURDAY NIGHT trailer

What is that somebody said about Saturday Night Live? “You can only be avant-garde for so long before you just become garde?” All that being said: SATURDAY NIGHT itself looks like it could be good. Or else incredibly indulgent of Lorne Michaels. Possibly both! It all depends on whether they focus on the antics of a bunch of very funny yet often mildly horrible young people, all of whom are under intense time pressure, and also the influence of cocaine. Because the first season of that show makes no sense without cocaine.

The ‘Isaac Asimov has lived in vain’ SUBSERVIENCE trailer.

Okay, so SUBSERVIENCE doesn’t look entirely bad, per se. But I swear to God, our great-grandchildren are going to find this entire genre of fascination with murderous androids and sexbots extremely quaint. I mean, why would the nannybot even have genitals? Or a sex drive? Or a need for self-preservation? Everything in that droid’s personality matrix was put in there, including the personality matrix.

Also: God, but modern movie tech is wasted on this era. I have no hopes from that R rating, even taking into consideration of it being VOD. If only the current state of the art was available during the halcyon days of the Skinemax Age…

What are the top three epitomes of Hallmark Christmas movies?

I need nothing less than the absolute, unquestioned pure quill. They must be perfectly representative, trope-namers and establishers, and pure in their nature and execution. When those in the know for this genre hear their names, they must nod. Yes. This is the best three of them.

What? Oh, I just need to do some research for this year’s Timmy story.

My mini-review of DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE.

Short version: this was a big, sloppy, double-handful of meta-humor, bites-of-the-hands-that-fed-them, and gleeful fanservice, squeezed together into a movie and thrown at the cinema screen. …It was GLORIOUS. I hope it makes a billion dollars at the box office, if only so that I can watch Ryan Reynolds say whatever he wants to Disney’s face for a while.

Continue reading My mini-review of DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE.


It’s interesting. What was Batman prepared to do if the dude was too drunk to give up the information?

That’s not a criticism of BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER, by the way. There’s a whole bunch of ways they’ve portrayed the character, and obviously they’re not gonna have him straight-up murder an unarmed guy who isn’t a supervillain. I suppose I’m just wondering whether this is going to be Just Starting Out Batman, Hard-Edged Batman, or a combination of both.

It looks good, any which way. Mind you, I like Batman shows, so I’m easy to please.