Iron Man 2 footage… ‘leaked?’

I say ‘leaked’ because the director doesn’t seem to care too much. Personally, I can’t really watch it; too jumpy and bootleg for my tastes. AoSHQ has the video up, if you want to watch.

You probably do. It has Samuel L MFing Jackson in it*.

Moe Lane

*When I went to go see Iron Man in theaters, I stayed until the end – and got a family to sit down and wait with me. Made their day when they saw the reveal; making their day made mine.

So, essentially, Dungeon Lords sucks…

…which would handily explain why I found the quote-unquote “Collector’s Edition” on the ten buck stack at Target.  Before you ask, it was right next to Sid Meier’s Pirates!, which was also ten bucks, so I assumed that it would at least be all right.  Nope: can’t save a game without it crashing and the 3D is wonky.

Anyway: good fantasy game?  I’m looking for cheap, good, and at least a couple of years old, and I already have Diablo II.

No jury would have convicted her, of course.

So, completely out of the blue my wife asks me, “What’s your opinion of a Chewbacca costume?”

I of course reply, “Grooowhaaahnnnneahhh.”

She rolls her eyes, and informs me that this is about the Halloween costume for my firstborn.

So I respond, “You want to dress him up as Chewbacca?”

“No, I want to dress him up as Han Solo.  It’ll be easier.”

“So, you plan to dress up as Chewbacca?”

“No, I thought that you could.”

“Why me?”

“Because I’m going to be very pregnant at that point.”


She snickers, waits for maximum effect, then goes on “I’d thought that I’d wear a long white dress, put up my hair in buns and go as Princess Leia…”

Yes.  Yes, that would be a very good idea.”

So, I guess I know what I’m being for Halloween.

Moe Lane

PS: Luckily, I had just steam-cleaned what will be the kid’s new room, so I had fumes to fall back on as an excuse.

Start your morning right with an Vortex Cannon!

You will watch this in action, and you will say, Why the CGI? And then you will realize that there is no CGI.

Via Ace of Spades Headlines.

The show is Bang Goes the Theory, which I assume is some sort of answer to, and/or alternative of, Mythbusters. I’d mock the guy for being so enthusiastic about this, except… well, he has a vortex cannon and I do not; that places him higher up on the geek pyramid than me, and there’s no getting around that.

Moe Lane

So, bees are getting drunk in Tennessee?

There are worse things to do on a nice mountain in the summertime then get drunk, not that I have actually done any of them. For that matter, have I ever gotten drunk on a mountain in the summertime? I’ve been to SCA events on mountains, so I’ve almost certainly gotten drunk on one once; but whether I’ve done it in the summertime is another question.

Anyway, it sounds more like the bees are doing the… apiary?… equivalent of chewing locoweed, which I have not ever done. That entire phytotoxin thing.

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

This Drunken Bee song by the LoneTones doesn’t sound half bad, actually.

Alternatively, it could be your next campaign.

You could actually run a pretty good Conspiracy X one off of this basic concept. Or maybe even Unknown Armies. Admittedly, you’d have to run either one more lighthearted than the average GM would, but that’s not so bad.  If nothing else, it’d be novel.

Via @allahpundit.