Dangerous Cows.

:pointing: Cow.

What? Oh, it’s an odd little neurological glitch that I’ve noticed (an ex-girlfriend christened it ‘bovilepsy’). If you stop suddenly, point somewhere at random, and matter-of-factly say “Cow” people will turn to look. You can do it anywhere, too. I don’t know why it works, but it does. Anyway, the New York Times has an article on dangerous cows. Apparently, they manage to kill about four Americans or so a year.

Personally, I think that we’re ahead on points.

RedState Gathering – Pat Toomey (R, SEN-PA).

This one is of his speech that Toomey did for the Gathering, not the interview afterward: I’m not sure if there is going to be a better video copy of it, so enjoy. Pat Toomey is, of course, the guy who scared Arlen Specter into getting primary challenged by the Democrats instead of the Republicans, which is probably not what Specter had in mind. Such a pity, really.

As the video notes, Toomey also has a book (The Road to Prosperity) out.

Moe Lane Continue reading RedState Gathering – Pat Toomey (R, SEN-PA).

Book of the Week: erm.

It’s weird, actually: thanks to the generosity of a RedState reader I finally got around to reading Liberal Fascism (good book, but I knew most of it already; still, nice to have it collated) and I just snagged Hitler’s War today. I think that I’ve used both of them for Books of the Week, though, so recycling either wouldn’t really work.

Anybody have a suggestion of a good one?

CYV Watch: Extreme cheese-rolling.

I know that there’s been no real content this weekend, but you know the deal:


So… cheese-rolling.


Apparently the object is to follow a cheese down a steep hill, falling down numerous times along the way, until you hit the finish line and get tackled by multiple people. And then the ambulance comes and takes you away.
