Obligatory Ukelele post.

Have I done this one already?

Via Jonah Goldberg.

When we were in Hawaii last year, my wife (who accumulates musical instruments… somehow) came this close to acquiring a new ukulele to be lost with the rest of her luggage on the flight back. Those suckers are surprisingly expensive. As is just about everything else in Hawaii that isn’t a pineapple, of course, but I suspect that they’d have been expensive in Topeka, too.

My random musings on vampires.

So, Underworld. Not bad for what was effectively five bucks, but a surprising lack of skin for an R-rated vampire flick. The gun-fu wasn’t bad, but it just lacked that certain “let’s talk about your worrisome, yet darkly compelling, sexual hangups” that permeate our modern understanding of the genre.  Not that I watch vampire films for that.  At all.  Ever.  Not me, no how, no way.

Moving along: why don’t vampires ever snack on people that seem, you know, healthy? As in “my breakfast was more than three olives and a picture of a celery stalk” healthy. Either they’ve got this weird thing going about cholesterol, or the side effect of vampirism is apparently going down to three percent body fat and a perpetually sullen, yet stylish, expression. If the latter is true, that means (as has been noted elsewhere) the legions of the Undead are probably missing out on a great long-term financial opportunity.

Lastly: if I ever use Abraham Lincoln as a character in a roleplaying game, he is so totally going to look like this.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, at least this way I didn’t have to watch the press conference. How many questions did he manage this time? Six?

(Crass commercialism alert) OK, the laptop replacement drive will be over Friday…

…for good or for ill; so we’ll end it on a capitalist note. Donate at least $20 bucks, get a sonnet (Elizabethan or Petrarchan, whatever). Just let me know the theme when you donate: nothing political unless I agree with you anyway.

I don’t claim to be another Gilbert Keith Chesterton or Randall Garrett, mind you – but some of my stuff is here and here
, and I flatter myself that I’m not bad at it.

But, hey, we’ll let the market decide that one. The cruel, blessed market.

Moe Lane

Exciting day today, all in all.

Not necessarily the bad day that some would fear/hope it to be, but definitely a day. So how to end it?

Well, Stacy has the right idea, but he’s got to learn how to package it better. You can’t just tell ’em; you gotta show ’em.

Whole Lotta Love

Get ’em by the brainstem, just like the Jesuits say you should.

OK, they don’t say that, but that’s because you can’t really say that in Attic Greek.

I think.

Today is my son’s birthday.

He is two today.  No picture, yet, as he is still blessedly asleep.

I will spare you a cutesy child-themed day – you don’t want me trying to warp fiscal policy or zombie haiku so that it fits any more than I really want to do it – but if you have kids they’ll love this book:

…and it might keep you sane, as Terry Pratchett is hardly a cruel man.