It was a joke.
Continue reading …I didn’t think @elonmusk would actually CONSIDER it.Category: RPGS
So, movement on the RPG front.
It looks like I can actually get that blessed thing finally done. Which means that I need to allot some time in December to finish a couple things, and also set up a Backerkit to help crowdfund it. So I’ll be doing that next month.
Feel free to take a look, if you haven’t yet: .80version. And check out my Patreon!
And check out my two books that go on sale tomorrow!
@elonmusk has an opportunity to do the funniest thing.
On the one hand: the observation below will absolutely not have any effect. On the other hand: you honestly never know with this guy. And on the gripping hand, if it does unaccountably somehow happen I’m going to be yelled at by various people – including ones I like – every day, for the rest of my natural life.
Alas. Sometimes great art requires as great a sacrifice.
Continue reading @elonmusk has an opportunity to do the funniest thing.So, WashingCon is now in limbo.
This is very sad:
Continue reading So, WashingCon is now in limbo.Tweet of the Day, I Do Not Understand Why You Are Surprised, Madam edition.
This is a perfectly logical use for the artifact. Your objection is unreasonable. Picayune, even.
Reminder: I have stuff up for sale on DriveThruRPG!
Soooo… buy them? They’re good. They’re certainly cheap!
Continue reading Reminder: I have stuff up for sale on DriveThruRPG!Two days left on the Trail of Cthulhu 2nd Edition Backerkit!
Speaking of crowdfunding.
Good game, good stuff, can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Having a conversation on getting the TTRPG finished up.
This would be the Fermi Resolution RPG. Getting it done will almost certainly involve crowdfunding; once I have more of a firm timeline on how long the project will take, I’ll likely set something up exclusively on Backerkit. They’re getting into the crowdfunding business itself, and their customer service game is already very strong. If I can tap into that, and their existing audience, it will be very useful for future projects.
If not? Well, I tried. Sometimes things don’t work out.
Two days left on the DRACULA DOSSIER Bundle of Holding.
It’s good stuff. I have all of the DRACULA DOSSIER – running Dracula-themed games in Ken Hite’s vampire-and-spies NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS – stuff in print form already, so I’ve no need to pick it up. You should, though.
The upcoming “The Secret World- North America” Kickstarter.
It looks like they’re actually giving the game line some support: The Secret World- North America looks like it’ll be both 5e and Savage Worlds, too. I will almost certainly be grabbing it for the latter. I’m sorry, but 5e is a clumsy fit for a lot of game worlds: which is to say, ones that were not designed with D&D 5e in mind.
But never mind me.