10/17/2024 Snippet, NEVER RETURN.


One of the advantages, and curses, of necromancy is that you become quite the connoisseur of stenches. Your nose becomes attuned to the differences between the various charnel bouquets, to the point where ghulmen are almost willing to admit that you might approach their level. 

Unfortunately, oldmen do not get the ability to find rotting meat piquant. The best we can do is simply keep the thought of the smell away from our gorge. So when I sniffed the presence of recently-killed vermin coming from the local descent to the Antiquity, I did not enjoy the experience. Or if I did, it was the enjoyment of someone who had just literally sniffed out a trap.

“Hold!” I muttered to Curwin and Marsh, both of whom were there to give me some physical safety while I performed my exorcisms. I can defend myself, but not while staring into the Veil. “There is death ahead. Many small deaths.”

“Christ on His Throne,” Curwin muttered, blanching and crossing himself, and I hastened to correct him.

“Not small human deaths, Lieutenant. There are a great number of dead rats and squirrels in the passage ahead.” I sniffed. “A remarkable number of dead pigeons, too. They are just now starting to rot.”

Oh, hey, yeah, you gotta catch THE PENGUIN.

No, seriously. THE PENGUIN is, like, good. Proper good. Good-if-you-just-like-crime-sagas good, in fact.

I don’t blame you at all if you had no expectations about this show, because I had no expectations about this show and I had a great time watching THE BATMAN. But I had like three, four people in a row today saying that THE PENGUIN was awesome – and, when I checked it out, I realized I agreed with them. If you have Max, check this one out.



BEHOLD! …Hopefully. If this doesn’t embed, I have the original photo.



TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS. I’ll be working on this a little today and tomorrow, and planning to get the books out to Kickstarter backers next week. And then it will be done, and we will be happy.

Tweet of the Day, NaNoWriMo Continues To Spiral Inward edition.

My relationship with NaNoWriMo has always been at arm’s-length. Every November, I sit down and try to get at least fifty thousand words out, because it’s great for getting me that crucial first draft. But I never got into that entire world. Good instincts, I suppose.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, NaNoWriMo Continues To Spiral Inward edition.

Eight days a week until TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 is released!

So pre-order it now! Don’t delay! …Unless you’re planning on buying TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS in paperback. Then you do have to wait, and I’m not exactly sure why. I mean, I preorder print books from Amazon all the freaking time. I should look into this —

— wait, where was I? Right. Pre-order my new anthology!

Tales From The Fermi Resolution: Vol. 2: Lights in the Darkness

Continue reading Eight days a week until TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 is released!

Sorry. This past two weeks have been one distraction…

…after another. Nobody I know from the Time Before has had a break in a month, either. I mean, seriously there just hasn’t been any downtime, huh? So I’m going to call it a night early. Get some rest, read a book, look for something to break the cycle. See you tomorrow!