Oh, wait: Star Trek: Bridge Crew is a VR Multiplayer game?



Most VR games, for many resons, are single player experiences.  We’ve gone into why a couple times; what I understand from those trying to plough up this space is that the current rate of hardware adoption alone makes a multiplayer offering a dangerous proposition.  But we’re also still figuring out what it means for a single person to be ensouled in that place, mapping our perceptions and actions to it in a way that is believable and not nauseating.  A multiuser space has challenges on top of that.  It also has a profound potential that Star Trek: Bridge Crew reveals with aplomb.

Continue reading Oh, wait: Star Trek: Bridge Crew is a VR Multiplayer game?

E3 coming up next week.

So far, I’ve heard baseless rumors about Cyberpunk 2077 and Mass Effect: Andromeda. And, of course, the not-baseless rumor about the new Assassin’s Creed title. And as for Bethesda, well: have a really messed-up rumor, fresh and hot:

“[Starfield] is going to be a sci-fi open world RPG in typical Bethesda first person fashion. It’s going to feature 5-10 races there’s still some debate on what should and shouldn’t go in and takes place in the Fallout universe just so far in the future and far away from Earth that it’ll only be mentioned in hints. This is part of an ongoing planned interconnected universe of every Bethesda franchise. They gave hints of this by implying the Brotherhood of Steel created Nirnroot in Fallout 4. They’re getting a little wacky with the lore and using “Elder Scrolls time wounds” to justify lore inconsistencies.

“Basically, Fallout is the beginning of the timeline, Starfield is the middle, and Elder Scrolls is Far Future.

Continue reading E3 coming up next week.

So, they’re limiting players in Secret World Legend zones to… ten?

That’s… well, we’ll have to see how it plays out in real time.

Funcom elected to go with 10 players per zone instance for Secret World Legends with priority given to friends of players and groups. Players who spend most of their time solo will find other solo players in the same zone.

“We are trying to find a sweet spot because we also don’t want the players to be completely alone and never see another living soul,” Amiel explained when asked about the player limit in zones. The implication is this may still change as the beta continues and through the launch of Secret World Legendson June 26 and then July 31 on Steam.

Continue reading So, they’re limiting players in Secret World Legend zones to… ten?

The Watch It While You Can Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 trailer.

The trailer for Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 was supposed to come out today, and it did, and then it got pulled.  But apparently somebody grabbed it first. And… well.


Coming out in November, and I already know that I’m getting this.  My kids play the first Marvel Lego Superheroes, and as soon as they find out about this one, things will progress inevitably.  And, honestly, I want them playing these games, instead of other ones.

Yeaaahh Ubisoft’s Far Cry 5 already looks kind of tiresome.

Can’t imagine how this might tick anybody off.  Nope, no idea whatsoever. Complete mystery:

Yeah, sorry.  Normally I’m trying not to be That Guy.  Then again, normally I’ve had a better night’s sleep where I didn’t also spend it subconsciously trying to hear whether my kid’s about to start upchucking again.  So I’m generally more forgiving of video game shibboleths than I am right at this moment.

Ubisoft to announce new Assassin’s Creed at E3.

It’s going to be coming in during this fiscal year: that probably means October or November of 2017, based on how they typically release Assassin’s Creed titles.  No formal confirmation yet that it’s going to be called “Empire” or that it features Ancient Egypt, but that’s the way to bet. I also assume that the two-year gap in games is due to the lack of success in the Assassin’s Creed movie, which I meant to go see, really. Yeah, I know: that makes me part of the problem.

Looking for a Mother’s Day gift? How about Dragon Age: Origins? [UPDATE]

I’m only half-joking: Dragon Age: Origins is one of Bioware’s best games, and one of the best computer RPGs of the last decade, and it’s available right now on GOG.com for five bucks. I suspect that most of my readers already have it, but the sales aren’t bad this week over there.  Sim City 3000 for $2.49, for example.  I’m half tempted to get it, despite the fact that Sim City 2000 ate about three months of my life…


Well, I resisted it.  Sort of.  I bought Sim City 4 instead.  Five bucks.

[UPDATE: My wife informs me that the post is incomplete. It should be the game, and time to play it. I have corrected the post.]

Bioware giveth, and Bioware taketh away:

Giveth: “The latest patch for Mass Effect: Andromeda is out now, and BioWare says it will address many of the game’s shortcoming, including tweaks to multiplayer and the game’s opening cinematics.”

Taketh Away: “Mass Effect Andromeda developer BioWare Montreal has put the series on hiatus, according to a report.” I think that what this means is that they’re still supporting Mass Effect: Andromeda, including DLC; but BioWare Montreal is apparently not in good odor with the parent company right now, and they’re not going forward with a sequel until the situation is resolved..  Which is, honestly, something that BioWare Montreal kind of deserves. Just because I had fun playing the game doesn’t mean I didn’t notice its developmental flaws. Maybe they need to shake up that office a little.