Assange keeps digging Wikileaks’ grave.

Accused rapist Julian Assange* continued to justify the upcoming backlash against transparency this weekend by promising to illegally release more classified government documents on the notorious site Wikileaks. These documents in particular are apparently State Department diplomatic cables: up until, oh, today, those documents were typically much more blunt and ambiguity-free than the standard State Department bumpf, mostly because nobody out there considered that anyone would be insane enough to release them even if they had access. This will likely change – quickly – now that the diplomatic corps knows that its private communications are insecure; in other words, from now on the folks in the striped-pants brigade are going to be as mealy-mouthed in private as they are in public. As Allahpundit noted above, the Left should keep this in mind when trying in the future to boost State at Defense’s expense: Assange just made that harder for you.

And I will also note that, while I will happily ding President Obama for both his wrong actions and for not living up to his own side’s previously-established standards of behavior, this line of attack by Wikileaks is made up of pure garbage designed to weaken both my country and my government. The President needs his ambassadors to know what he wants; they need to be able to tell him what he can get. So it’s stupid to not be blunt and forthright in private about matters that require a softer public touch. It’s even more stupid for Wikileaks to keep publicly attacking the USA like this.

Because when the backlash comes, it’s going to splatter.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading Assange keeps digging Wikileaks’ grave.

#rsrh The true damage of the Stuxnet Worm.

Allahpundit wonders whether the Stuxnet worm that just bollixed up Iran’s nuclear weapons program can really be considered a success, given that we know about it now.  I would say so:

As Iranians struggled with the setbacks, they began searching for signs of sabotage. From inside Iran there have been unconfirmed reports that the head of the plant was fired shortly after the worm wended its way into the system and began creating technical problems, and that some scientists who were suspected of espionage disappeared or were executed. And counter intelligence agents began monitoring all communications between scientists at the site, creating a climate of fear and paranoia.


One additional impact that can be attributed to the worm, according to David Albright of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, is that “the lives of the scientists working in the facility have become a living hell because of counter-intelligence agents brought into the plant” to battle the breach. Ironically, even after its discovery, the worm has succeeded in slowing down Iran’s reputed effort to build an atomic weapon.

I suggest that there’s nothing “ironic” about this.  Anybody can wreck a physical plant.  Wrecking the social network that a scientific/engineering project depends on to function properly causes a lot more damage. And nothing does more damage to a social network than randomly – and incorrectly – executing random members of it for espionage.

I’d feel bad about the executions, except of course that the Iranian bombs have already been earmarked for incinerating people who don’t deserve it; so [expletive deleted] those guys.

Moe Lane

Tancredo whines about GOP unity.

Ah, what a difference an election makes.  Back in October, Tom Tancredo mocking the GOP:

“What’s the point? I mean, if I can be more effective as governor, if the Republicans in the legislature are going to have their feelings hurt or whatever, then I’ll consider it. But really what’s the purpose? What do I need from [GOP Chairman] Dick Wadhams? Why would I argue anymore with the head of what might soon be a minor party?

This November, Tancredo is ready to start the healing. He’s even ready to join back up:

Former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) wants moderate Republicans and conservatives in Colorado to meet so they can come together to prevent divides that could lead to election losses.

Funny, we have something like that already: it’s called a ‘Republican primary,’ and if Tancredo wants to participate in our next one,he’s welcome to.  Admittedly, if he had in the last one Tancredo would have actually had to do real work if he wanted to get the nomination (instead of trying to play white knight), but life is full of these little road bumps.  Such as dealing with all those aggravated Republicans out there who are annoyed with Tancredo for almost mucking up the Colorado GOP for the next election cycle and certainly* getting Michael Bennet re-elected.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading Tancredo whines about GOP unity.

#rsrh Break up bankrupted states?

Like Glenn Reynolds, I’m sure that there are all sorts of reasons that argue against this Volokh Conspiracy commenter’s position that if we do allow states to go bankrupt then we should also require them to lose their state status and be bounced back down to territorial status again.  But the idea of taking say, California, yanking it out of statehood for ten years… then readmitting it as the three or so states that it should be appeals.

Hoo, boy, yes, it appeals.

Moe Lane

PS: Texas should also probably be about three states or so, but Texas is also not in imminent danger of default.

#rsrh QotD, It’s all because of the Jews Edition.

Well, not yet – but when you start blaming shadowy conspiracies for your problems (which is what the Left is doing right now), you’re going to eventually end up talking about the Jooooooooooooos.  It’s the tertiary stage of conspiracy thinking, and once you reach that point, there’s more or less no hope for you.

Anyway.  Here’s Michael Gerson, with his quote:

When an ideology stumbles, its adherents can always turn to alcohol – or to conspiracy theories. It is easier to recover from alcohol.

Mostly because very few people actually want alcoholics to stay on the sauce.  But you can always find a group ready and willing to enable conspiracy thinking –  particularly, again, if they can get you on the path of blaming it all on the Joooooooooooooos.

Via somebody or other; there was a conspiracy today to feed me decaf, so I’ve lost track.

Moe Lane

#rsrh The perfect holiday gift.

Via Chequer-Board (RS alumnus Pejman’s new site; check it out) comes a great concept for presents: underwear with metallic-ink lettering so that the message shows up on a TSA pornoscanner.  Right now all they’ve got is the Fourth Amendment, but this is an idea whose time has come, methinks.

Oh, and read the rest of Pej’s article.  Wonder why Opt-Out Day was reported as a bust?  Well read, and wonder no more.

#rsrh Update on the War on Irish Coffee.

Four Loko is flying off of the shelves. The neo-Puritans* against it are either: adamantly insisting that there’s a meaningful difference between mixing caffeine and booze in a factory and mixing it in a bar (Marin Institute); insisting that there’s not a meaningful difference between mixing caffeine and booze in a factory and mixing it in a bar (SADD); or planning to take the next step of trying to ban mixing caffeine and booze in a bar (WCTU).  And we’re about to see the alcoholic equivalent of Two Live Crew be made into a civil rights issue.

God, but I despise the nanny-staters sometimes I couldn’t think of a situation where I don’t.

Moe Lane

Continue reading #rsrh Update on the War on Irish Coffee.