#rsrh Today’s convoluted Dem House retention theory.

To sum it up: Barack Obama must visit toss-up seats because in the past districts with Presidential visits had a higher retention percentage than districts without them.

This was one of those posts that ended up rambling: the reasons why this isn’t the game-changer that the author thought it was were all trying to crowd in to get the credit for shooting this one down.  Really short version: dice may not have memories, but Congressional districts emphatically do.  And the President is not actually capable of performing acts of magic.  Or even ‘magick.’

Look, you should have seen what I deleted. Borrrr-ring…

QotD, ‘Hey Rube!’ Edition.

Glenn Reynolds, on watching yet another babbling leftist idiot* snap out of it and realize that he was fed antiwar porn by the current administration:

This keeps happening. Ah, but remember when you now-disappointed Obama supporters were lecturing us about the fierce moral urgency of change? With such overweening self-righteousness? Even as you resolutely failed to look at what was going on, or to inquire into what Obama was actually like? So pardon me, now-disappointed Obama voters, if I point out that you’re rubes. Again, and again.


Indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed.

Moe Lane

Continue reading QotD, ‘Hey Rube!’ Edition.

#rsrh I’m confused…

…is this supposed to be a bad shirt?

Tim Blair certainly doesn’t think so; as for me, well, while I freely admit that it’s a bit a bit since the last time I graced a church with my presence it’s not because I have any issues with Jesus.  As for the other two categories: I mean, come onBabies.  How can you be against babies?

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I know that there are people out there who hate babies (as opposed to people who just don’t want kids).  They also have to carefully hide that attitude for the most part or risk social embarrassment, which is just fine by me…

Sic Transit Gloria Green Jobs.


  • Thanks to the Democrats, we spent 800 billion on a stimulus package that didn’t work.
  • Thanks to the Democrats, we allocated 92 billion of that money (meant to be spent on, well, things that would stimulate the economy) on renewable energy policies.
  • Thanks to the Democrats, we’ve managed to spend only about 20 billion of that money in a year and a half (remember; this was supposed to be emergency spending).
  • Thanks to the Democrats, our best-case scenario (via those mad optimists in the White House) is that the money spent netted us 191K jobs, or $105K a job. The Department of Energy estimates 82K jobs, or $244K/job.
  • And, thanks ever so much to the Democrats, “as much as 80 percent of some green programs, including $2.3 billion of manufacturing tax credits, went to foreign firms that employed workers primarily in countries including China, South Korea and Spain, rather than in the United States.”

You know, it used to be that you could count on the Democratic party to be provincial and short-sighted obstructionists when it came to putting the brakes on international trade, sure – but at least they used to know how to be competent provincial and short-sighted obstructionists. This is embarrassing.

Continue reading Sic Transit Gloria Green Jobs.

#rsrh Shut it down, shut it down…

…Dan Pfeiffer is the White House Communications Director – yeah, isn’t that a thankless job, these days? – and he’s a bit upset that Republicans are seriously contemplating shutting down the government next year if that’s what it takes to turn off the money spigots.  I don’t know what’s funnier: that he’s so obviously petulant at the idea that anybody might stand in the way of his boss getting another trillion dollars to put in a pile and set on fire; or that even the White House is conceding a Republican Congress next year.  After all, the idea was publicly considered absurd even a year ago, and we actually haven’t got a majority in the House.


Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Shut it down, shut it down…

Do you think that you hate [insert movie here]?

Trust me, you don’t hate [insert movie title here] the way that Luke McKinney hates Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li. A taste (subject: the various portrayals of M. Bison):

Raul Julia acted like his whole movie was a pantomime and displayed so little knowledge of the game that he probably thought a joystick was something you rented from a Thai ladyboy. But at least he was obviously enjoying himself. Raising the total number of people enjoying the movie to “One,” or “One more than Legend of Chun-Li.

I really, really miss Raul Julia, by the way. Even when he was making movies like… this… he was fun to watch. Continue reading Do you think that you hate [insert movie here]?

Koran burning called off.



Terry Jones, the controversial pastor, said on Saturday that neither he nor his church would follow through on plans to burn copies of the Koran. In an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show, Mr. Jones said repeatedly and emphatically that the event, originally scheduled to coincide with the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, was canceled and would not take place at any time.

“We feel that God is telling us to stop,” he said.

Well… God, or at least the man’s PR guy. Continue reading Koran burning called off.