Great moments in Democratic recycling, February 2010. #rsrh

I meant to link to this Hawaiian good-luck symbol from (I believe) the NRCC yesterday:


…and I also remember seeing somewhere someone pointing out that back then the unemployment rate was around 6% and change. On the bright side, we’re probably not going to see double that this year.


I think.

Barack Obama: JUST LIKE BUSH.

That would be George Herbert Walker Bush, mind you.

Obama, in a Feb. 9 Oval Office interview, said that a presidential commission on the budget needs to consider all options for reducing the deficit, including tax increases and cuts in spending on entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

“The whole point of it is to make sure that all ideas are on the table,” the president said in the interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, which will appear on newsstands Friday. “So what I want to do is to be completely agnostic, in terms of solutions.”

Obama repeatedly vowed during the 2008 presidential election campaign that he would not raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 and households earning less than $250,000 a year. When senior White House economic adviser Lawrence H. Summers and Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner suggested in August that the administration might be open to going back on that pledge, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs quickly reiterated the president’s promise.

Via Newser.  So much for ‘not one dime’, huh?  Goodness gracious, this man can’t even go back on his most highlighted domestic policy promise without bloviating about it.

Moe Lane

PS: If you’re surprised… why is that?  It’s not like you weren’t warned.

Crossposted to RedState.

It seems the act of research is a subversive activity requiring registration. #rsrh

Well, this is odd.

Just before I went to bed I noted this AoSHQ post.  To summarize, somebody found a 1951 South Carolina law targeting Communists* and chuckled about all those weird laws still on the books.  Then some hard Left sites got a hold of it, apparently mistook current attempts to repeal it with it actually passing (as suggested by a comment here) and started what was apparently a highly viral session of online babbling about the Right by the Online Left.  Entertaining – there’s something inherently funny about people who can’t do basic research attacking the intelligence of other people, particularly when they get things rather drastically wrong – but not all that relevant in the larger scheme of things.

Except that I’ve noticed that there was another sloppy, egg-on-your-face fake gotcha story making the rounds – I lost my temper about it, in fact – and it reminds me a little of the 2004 election cycle.  Remember that one?  You couldn’t go a day without some had-to-be-later-retracted outrage about funeral wreathes or loyalty days or whatever it was that was helping distract the Online Left from the electoral DOOM descending upon them.  I don’t really remember much of that after Bush’s re-election, and it all more or less stopped when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.

And now they’re back doing it.


Moe Lane

*Just to be particularly mean-spirited about it: no Republican voted for this law in 1951 – I mean, a Republican in South Carolina in 1951? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Heck, we didn’t even take control of the state legislature down there until the 1996 elections – and the Democrats were the ones who couldn’t get it repealed the first time, either.

There is a strange, glowing orb in the heavens. #rsrh

It started out red, but is steadily growing brighter and more yellow by the moment; already, it is quite impossible to look at directly. It even… and I know that this will sound absurd… even seems to be generating something that I shall call ‘lack-of-cold.’

Most unusual. Continue reading There is a strange, glowing orb in the heavens. #rsrh

I don’t regret my original post on this nonsense… #rsrh

…but I belatedly realized that it invested too much emotional energy in said nonsense. Eric Robinson is a sloppy writer and researcher who let his hatred blind him. The people who gave him a forum will now suffer through a time of embarrassment and corrections. The people who uncritically believed him have had their misogyny revealed, yet again. So let it end, there.

They’re worth my scorn, but not any more of my time.

[UPDATE] My RS colleagues insisted that I put the original back up. Bear in mind that I consider it a failure; not of my sentiments, but of my ability to hold my temper.

Bloom Off Of The Rose Watch, Mark Knoller edition.

It’s not that the title of this article (“Obama Says Bipartisanship, But What He Wants Is GOP Surrender“) itself is so startling – as Ed Morrissey notes, it’s not exactly telling Republicans things that they don’t already know. It’s that this:

It’s a familiar refrain from U.S. presidents who can’t get their way in Congress.

“We must put aside our political differences if we’re ever to set our economy to rights,” said President Reagan in 1982.

“It is time to put aside partisan rivalries and work together for our nation’s future,” said President Reagan in 1987 in trying to get Congress to enact deficit reduction

“We must put aside partisanship for the sake of our nation,” said the first President Bush in 1990 in appealing for congressional cooperation on the budget.

“We must now put aside bitterness and rancor, move beyond partisanship,” urged President Clinton in 1993 in trying to get Congress to pass his economic plan.

What these presidential appeals for bipartisanship always mean is: do it my way.

…is showing up in CBSNews. Imagine that happening in the pre-post-Dan Rather days.

Moe Lane

PS: I almost called this “Waltzing Bear Watch,” except that this particular ursine is waltzing pretty well by any reasonable standard.  Blogging insiders will also note the opportunity for a jab that I passed up, mostly because I see no reason to boost the fellow’s anemic traffic.

Crossposted to RedState.

Marco Rubio moneybomb today.

[UPDATE: By the way, the below link is to Demint’s Senate Conservatives Fund’s portion of the Rubio moneybomb. Said portion’s sub-goal is 100K, and they’re at 86.2K already.]

He’s trying to raise 787 thousand (in ‘commemoration’ of the 787 billion dollar ‘stimulus’ that the Democrats have wished upon the country): he’s well on his way, but it would be excellent if the Rubio campaign had to scribble an updated, higher fundraising goal all over their nice, clean design.

This primary is important enough to trigger my ‘throw in what money you can’ reflex: so go ye, and do the same.

Continue reading Marco Rubio moneybomb today.