Looking for someone to read? (Larry Niven)

(Today’s author: Larry Niven)

Having seen Glenn Reynold’s subtle brag this morning (mind you, if I were a science fiction / fantasy author with a book out I’d be cheerfully making sure that he got a free copy of it, too) about Escape from Hell (Niven & Pournelle’s sequel to Inferno, which is itself the sequel to the only book of Dante’s The Divine Comedy that anyone ever actually reads), I figure that it’s as good a time as any to point this guy out.

I grew up with Niven, which would probably depress him to hear: both his science fiction and his fantasy work have been favorites of mine, mostly because he’s logical about his world-building.  Even where his story requires that the laws of physics as we know them be broken, Niven will still work out the implications, and does a credible job in integrating those implications into the plot.  He can also write decent dialogue, which is harder than it looks.

He’s probably best known for his Known Space science fiction universe: of his latest works I’ve read Fleet of Worlds, which was both good and an interesting new look at the universe; and based on the first chapter of Juggler of Worlds I’ll enjoy that, too, once I have the spare cash to pick it up.  On the fantasy side, the series that he started with The Magic Goes Away was a genuine innovation in the field, although it may be a bit pessimistic for readers in the modern era.

Or not: we may be in for a bit of pessimism for a while.  So, read it if you haven’t yet.

Moe Lane

PS: While Jerry Pournelle is, of course, often linked to Niven, he should have his own entry.

Did Mexican drug money help subsidize the Democratic Convention?

No, seriously. Did it?

(H/T: Glenn Reynolds) I know, I know, it’s a heck of a thing to contemplate on a Thursday morning, but check out this story on heavy Democratic donor (and current fugitive) R. Allen Stanford:

Accused Financier Under Federal Drug Investigation
Authorities: Stanford May Have Laundered Drug Money for Mexican Cartel

The SEC’s fraud charges may be the least of accused financial scammer R. Allen Stanford’s worries. Federal authorities tell ABC News that the FBI and others have been investigating whether Stanford was involved in laundering drug money for Mexico’s notorious Gulf Cartel.


The federal investigation, however, did not stop Stanford from using corporate money to become a big man at last year’s Democratic convention in Denver.

A video posted on the firm’s web-site shows Stanford, now sought by U.S. Marshals, being hugged by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and praised by former President Bill Clinton for helping to finance a convention-related forum and party put on by the National Democratic Institute.

Can we show you video footage of said hug and praise? YES! WE! CAN! Continue reading Did Mexican drug money help subsidize the Democratic Convention?

Lawyer abandons law to start professional beer pong league.

(Alerted by Baseball Crank) I had a choice: I could consider this a sign of America’s ultimate decline, or else one that we really were still so Unbelievably Awesome that a picture of our country could heal.

I went with Awesome.

Drop in the Cup: Associate Leaves Am Law for Beer Pong

Continue reading Lawyer abandons law to start professional beer pong league.

Heh. Blade Runner reference in Freefall.

Comic here: main comic here. Blade Runner is one of those movies that would be one of my favorites, if it weren’t for the fact that I’m not exactly sure which one of the seven versions is my favorite; or whether the version that is my favorite actually exists.  It’s entirely possible that I’m picking and choosing to create an idealized gestalt Blade Runner in my head.

Which, by the way, is a notion that Philip K. Dick would have loved.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) must now repair jobs-destroying mistake.

Tell me again about how the American people don’t care about pork.  Chuck.

You know, like you did here:

…because you just realized that they actually do care when it comes to keeping their existing jobs, huh? Continue reading Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) must now repair jobs-destroying mistake.

Spokesman: Barack Obama against reviving ‘Fairness Doctrine.’

Via Glenn, it sounds very declarative:

“As the president stated during the campaign, he does not believe the Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated,” White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said.

But then, so did his stand against FISA.
And for public financing of elections.
And against the war in Iraq.
And for transparency in lawmaking.
And against torture.

I can keep going, but you get the drift. There is what we’d call a history, here.

Crossposted at RedState.