You ever switch out a window AC unit, and think to yourself, Man. You want to be careful with these things. If your fingers slip, the whole damn thing will just overbalance, fall out the window, and smash itself to pieces, several stories below. And then, as you look out the window and down at the scene of the carnage, marveling at the fact that your traveling AC unit somehow managed to hit the grass without actually hurting anybody and/or causing property damage, you’ll hear a sudden roaring from the insides, and you’ll wonder: is that the fan, using up the last of the juice in the internal capacitors?
Or is it the internal cooling gasses escaping, and probably rushing up to meet you? What is in an AC unit, anyway? They’re noble gasses, right? Those are supposed to be pretty safe. :click click click: OK, yeah, good thing you’d have already ducked your head back inside pretty quick to look at your phone, huh?
No? Never had that thought? OK, just checking.
Moe Lane