I don’t know how snarky Glenn Reynolds was being about this report…
The European Union has given Poland more than 100 million euros ($125 million) to build at least three “ghost” airports in places where there are not enough passengers to keep them in business.
The result is gleaming new airport terminals which, even at the peak of the holiday season, echo to the sound of empty concourses and spend millions trying to attract airlines.
…when he suggested that they’d make good impromptu airstrips in case of a military invasion by the Soviets. Err, sorry: ‘Russians.’ Old Cold Warrior reflex. Anyway, and not to be all Cold War spy-nostalgic or anything, but if you look at a map to see where the airports (Reuters reports them as being Lodz, Rzeszow and Lublin) that were renovated are: Continue reading Hrm. Maybe those white elephant Polish airports ARE for eventual military use.