Aquaman’s early showing theaters expanded.

As you might remember: Aquaman is being shown a week early to Amazon Prime members who buy a special ticket.   Wait. Did I mention this, actually?  No.  OK: Aquaman is being shown a week early to Amazon Prime members who buy a special ticket.  I already got my ticket, so there you go. Continue reading Aquaman’s early showing theaters expanded.

This is not the Aquaman trailer.

It is, however, a link to some pictures from the Aquaman movie, which looks like it’s going to be drawing from the established Aquaman continuity.  …Don’t give me that look. Batman: The Brave and the Bold made Aquaman cool.  It’s perfectly all right now to know that he has a half-brother named Orm that has a Loki-like relationship with Aquaman, which is absolutely why he’s in this movie because audiences ate up the Thor-Loki sibling dynamic with a spoon*. Continue reading This is not the Aquaman trailer.

I do not like this Aquaman.

I do not like it, Zack-the-man.


I could not, would not, with a hook.
I will not like him as a crook.
I did not like the flying fish.
I would not like him as a dish.
Not made too dark! Nor made too twee!
Not as a joke! You let me be!
I did not like him as a meme.
I did not like that stupid theme.
I will not like him as a punk.
I would not like him big, or shrunk.
I only like him Brave and Bold.
I do not like him shown so cold!

I do not like it, Zach-the-Man.