…that Assassin’s Creed 2 seems to be grooving off of – seriously, look at the costume:
…anyway, since apparently this costume is now MAKING IT EASIER FOR THE GUARDS TO NOTICE ME it’d be really, really helpful if I could take the damned thing off and replace it with, I don’t know, CLOTHES THAT DO NOT SCREAM OUT “HI. I’M THE GUY THAT HAD TO RUN FROM THE EXECUTION OF MY FAMILY THIS MORNING AND JUMP INTO THE RIVER TO ESCAPE.”
I also want to take the player’s guide and use it to beat the people who wrote the player’s guide. I spent twenty bucks to have a handy cheat sheet for the PC keyboard commands. Don’t tell me “Buy an XBox controller” and expect that to be an answer.
Moe Lane
PS: I did enjoy swaggering around Florence like a… heh, like a Renaissance Italian noble scion with a certain grand indifference for propriety. And the architecture and costumes look pretty good.