Pardon my language, but: you have go to be fucking KIDDING me. From the latest update to the Tour de Lovecraft: Destinations Kickstarter:
Continue reading *THIS* is why the gaming industry needs to decouple from Chinese manufacturers.The next step is obviously getting Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales and The Destinations to print, and if we get everything nailed down with our new Lithuanian printer this week, we should be on press next week.
Lithuania? Yes, Lithuania. Originally, we had planned to go with a Chinese printing house that I have some pretty extensive experience with from my day job, but we hit an obstacle: Thibet. On the World of Lovecraft map, we have Thibet (Tibet) labeled, in perhaps 8 point letters. But in China, that’s pretty much a non-starter, and no printer will touch it. We had thought we’d be able to move to a different printer than I have worked with that is based in far-more-permissive Hong Kong, but events in China caught up with us there, and *that* became impossible as well.