So, Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Personally, I find it all marvelous fun, to borrow the turn of phrase from our British cousins. Giving Bob Dylan the Nobel Prize for Literature is at the very least the most interesting thing that the committee has done in the arts since, well, for as long as I can remember*.  And I can remember more than forty years.

Moe Lane

*Bear in mind, I’ve also not yet forgiven Phillip Roth for his execrable, ham-handed attempt at alternate history (The Plot Against America), so possibly there’s a bit of schadenfreude there, too.  Also bear in mind: I had no idea before this evening that there was such a thing as Nobel betting pools, although it seems obvious enough in retrospect.  You’d be amazed how much last-minute swotting goes on in this business…

“The Times They Are A-Changin’.”

The Times They Are A-Changin’, Bob Dylan

Oh, boy, Moe’s in a Dylan kind of mood!  – Which is kind of like being ‘puckish,’ but not really*.

Moe Lane

*Mostly because the Victorians made damned sure to defang all the old folklore.  And I can’t say that I blame them much for that; better safe, than sorry.

#rsrh Bob Dylan, disliked by Rolling Stone?

Yes, the title is a stretch.

So I saw this:

…the link being to this Reason article highlighting a Rolling Stone article where the interviewer tried to get Bob Dylan to give his blessing to Barack Obama.  Bob Dylan chose… not to, largely because I get the impression that Bob Dylan doesn’t actually like politics very much. Or possibly he has political views that don’t mesh with his typical audience’s, and so Bob Dylan just, as the phrase was once put, shuts up and sings. Continue reading #rsrh Bob Dylan, disliked by Rolling Stone?