Republican trackers taping Republicans in Louisiana shenanigans!

I think that Dan has the right of it, here:


Continue reading Republican trackers taping Republicans in Louisiana shenanigans!

Tweet of the Day, Jindal Could In Fact Win Iowa edition.

And it’s not even implausible.

Which is not to say that it’s likely, either. Basically, it comes down to how much favorability ratings matter in the Iowa race: Bobby Jindal is well-liked in that state, and if Ben Carson and/or Carly Fiorina don’t catch fire with Iowa caucus-goers then Jindal stands a chance of getting an upset win, or at least a second-place finish. …And there are at least three assumptions in that sentence. Possibly five. So, it’s a possibility, but don’t bet anything that you can’t bear to lose on the outcome either way.

Bobby Jindal is officially running for President.

I like Bobby Jindal. He’s smart, thinks about policy, and he’s a good guy. If he gets the nomination, he’ll do a good job both running for, and being, President. As to whether I plan to vote for him in the Maryland primary? I dunno.  I don’t know what my options will be, at that point.  And, shoot, it might actually matter.  Wouldn’t that be a change…

Moe Lane

PS: That’s it. No meta-analysis. At this moment I consider the polling results to be pretty much inherently flawed, across the board. I have no idea if Jindal can win, and probably nobody else does, either.  Anybody who successfully predicts otherwise ahead of time will do it via simply guessing.

Bobby Jindal is not afraid of hurting Hillary Clinton’s feelings.

(H/T: Twitchy) This is entertaining:

…I always did like Bobby Jindal. He looks ready to get in the scrum, too. That’s going to be a selling point, this election cycle.

MSNBC: Bobby Jindal is ‘trying to scrub some of the brown off his skin.’

Let me put this succinctly. Forget letting MSNBC host one of the GOP’s primary debates.

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner had Arsalan Iftikhar, founder of, on to discuss Gov. Jindal’s comments… “I think Governor Jindal is protesting a bit too much. He might be trying to scrub some of the brown off his skin as he runs to the right in a presidential bid,” said Iftikhar.Washington Free Beacon

Continue reading MSNBC: Bobby Jindal is ‘trying to scrub some of the brown off his skin.’

Bobby Jindal’s privatized hospital gamble seems to have paid off.

This is an example of something that we call ‘competence.’

Louisiana spent $52 million less than was budgeted for Gov. Bobby Jindal’s privatization deals for the LSU hospitals that provide care to the uninsured in the recently ended fiscal year, according to data provided by the state health department.

Jindal’s health secretary, Kathy Kliebert, said the hospital’s new managers are improving care while also running more efficient operations.

“We feel really comfortable that they are managing their budgets, that their new cost structures that they’re setting in place are working, and at the same time we’re getting really good quality care,” Kliebert said in an interview.

I mention it because, after five and a half years of the current administration, people might have difficulty remembering what that sort of thing looks like. God knows that nobody working for Barack Obama these days would recognize competence if it owed them money – but I digress.  More from the Hayride, including the detail that Bobby Jindal took a little bit of a gamble, here: and one that paid off. Continue reading Bobby Jindal’s privatized hospital gamble seems to have paid off.

Tweet of the Day, @BobbyJindal Twists The Knife In On #Obamacare edition.

Ouch, ouch, ouch:


Also: truth. I think that I’ve said this before, but let me say this again: I almost wish that the President was the evil super-genius that some of my compatriots think that he is.  At least then I’d know that Barack Obama had a plan.  It’s surprisingly hard to minimize the damage that a well-meaning idiot can cause…

Naw, Bobby Jindal isn’t even *thinking* of running in 2016.

Nah, not at all.

Not Bobby.

Continue reading Naw, Bobby Jindal isn’t even *thinking* of running in 2016.

RedState Gathering: Gov. Bobby Jindal (R, LA).

We’re always happy to hear from Gov. Bobby Jindal, and after the speech that he gave last Saturday* (as I noted at the time, you could see the crowd collectively thinking Why, Bobby here would make a perfectly good Vice President) he took a few moments to talk to me about… you know.  Stuff**.

Moe Lane (crosspost)


Continue reading RedState Gathering: Gov. Bobby Jindal (R, LA).