#protip for Sen. Mark Udall (D, Colorado): if you’re gonna brag that your dad ran for President…

…as you did here:

It’s then OK for your opponent (Cory Gardner) to also bring up that your dad ran for President.

(The Udall campaign has gone absolutely INSANE over this ad, by the way. It’s remarkable, how much so.)
Continue reading #protip for Sen. Mark Udall (D, Colorado): if you’re gonna brag that your dad ran for President…

Tweet of the Day, And Cory Gardner Breathes A Sigh Of Relief edition.

I have to agree with Iowapundit, here:

…John McCain would do Gardner more harm than good.

Sen. Mark Udall (D, Colorado) has no right to exploit murdered journalists.

He simply does not.


In the course of an hour-long debate with Gardner in Grand Junction, Colo., [Mark] Udall said that “ISIL does not present an imminent threat to this nation.” He cited his membership on the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee to substantiate that assertion, and he even invoked the names of the American journalists murdered at the hands of the Islamic State in the course of his pleas for restraint.

“I can tell you,” Udall said, “Steve Sotloff and James Foley would tell us, don’t be impulsive. Horrible and barbarous as those executions were, don’t be impulsive, come up with a plan to knock ISIL back.”

Continue reading Sen. Mark Udall (D, Colorado) has no right to exploit murdered journalists.

Hickenlooper the Coward.

That’s not my assessment, although I certainly do agree with it (OK, so I guess that it is): it’s the assessment of Bob Crowell, father of a murder victim whose murderer might be given clemency if John Hickenlooper loses.

No, seriously.

“I think that’s the coward’s way out.”

This story has been addressed on RedState before, notably here and here: the short version is that John Hickenlooper, Democratic governor of Colorado, is against the death penalty. Fine*. This theoretical stance of Hickenlooper’s has come up against the real-world example of Nathan Dunlap, who is a remorseless, cold-blooded killer who ruthlessly and senselessly murdered four people twenty years ago, and who has been staving off his execution ever since. The problem for Hickenlooper is this: while the people of Colorado would dearly love to see Dunlap get the needle, the Lefties that make up Hickenlooper’s organization would not. Continue reading Hickenlooper the Coward.

Andrew Romanoff (D CAND, Colorado-06) plays with chalk, won’t clean up after himself.

This is, indeed, the maturity level that one has come to expect from Democratic candidates these days:

On June 27, former Colorado Speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff oversaw a group of volunteers chalking the sidewalk of the government district office of U.S. Representative Mike Coffman in protest over immigration issues. The political protest ended when the building manager, Quyet Dang, arrived in the parking lot and told the crew if they didn’t clean up the chalk he would call the police. The chalking ended almost immediately, but the cleanup took 15-30 minutes, or even longer than that according to some sources. Regardless of how long the cleanup lasted, the tapes show Romanoff leaving before it is finished.

Continue reading Andrew Romanoff (D CAND, Colorado-06) plays with chalk, won’t clean up after himself.

AFP’s anti-Mark Udall ad: ‘Unaffordable.’

Pretty hard-hitting one from Americans For Prosperity.


This post from January addresses what Mark Udall did: the short version is that Senator Udall tried to pressure Colorado state officials into cooking the books to make it look like Obamacare didn’t cancel several hundred thousand people’s insurance policies.  This was, of course, later whitewashed by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper’s pet cronies, because what is the point of having fellow-Democrats in office if they can’t cover for one of their own?  Even when the Democrat in question blatantly lied: Continue reading AFP’s anti-Mark Udall ad: ‘Unaffordable.’

Lane’s Law of Gun Control Activism demonstrated by Michael Bloomberg.

The law itself is simple – Gun control fanaticism causes brain damage – and Michael Bloomberg is just determined to prove it: “The NRA went after two or three state Senators [i.e., last year’s Colorado recall elections over draconian new gun control laws]  in a part of Colorado where I don’t think there’s roads. It’s as far rural as you can get.”  This led to the inevitable headline: “Bloomberg dismisses Colo. Springs, Pueblo as roadless, rural backwaters.”

…And there’s nothing else to say, really.  Because gun control fanaticism causes brain damage.

Gov. John Hickenlooper drops the F-bomb during Colorado sheriffs’ meeting.

I’m just going to send people over to RedState for this one: but I will note that while I’m glad that John Hickenlooper seems to think that being raked over the coals for he and his staff’s incredibly clumsy imposition of new gun control laws is exasperatingly funny*, many of us find Colorado’s gun control laws to simply be exasperating. It would be nice if more elected Democrats actually read the Constitution.  The real one, not the one that the Left dreams of.

Moe Lane

*Expect the usual suspects to cling to the laughter of the sheriffs like a drowning man clings to a spar. If for no other reason than that it will distract them from the sight of one of their most powerful governors crawling on his belly before gun rights activists…

Embattled Gov. John Hickenlooper apologizes to sheriffs about gun control law implementation.

I wonder what John Hickenlooper’s internal polling is telling him?

Governor John Hickenlooper is offering an apology to some of his fiercest rivals on the issue of gun control: Colorado’s sheriffs.


A Hickenlooper spokesman confirms that the Governor apologized to the sheriffs for not meeting with them prior to the passage of gun control bills they opposed. Hickenlooper also said his administration didn’t do a good job anticipating pushback on gun control. According to his spokesman, Hickenlooper pledged better communication in the future.

9News goes on to mention that the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page made an additional claim that Hickenlooper’s spokesman declined to confirm; 9News neglected to actually mention it, though. Fair enough, since it’s single sourced and news organizations don’t like to risk get burned – but I’m happily partisan, so let me quote the Sheriff’s office:

 Governor Hickenlooper said he didn’t realize it was going to cause such controversy and had he known he would not have endorsed the new gun laws without more research.

…That internal polling must be downright awful.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

QotD, That’s The NIMBY, Elitist Colorado Democratic Party Right There edition.

The New York Times must not be feeling well: they usually just blurt out inconvenient truths about Democratic politicians like this.  Today’s example: millionaire Congressman Jared Polis (D, Colorado) and his hatred of cheap, clean energy:

Mr. Polis became a self-proclaimed poster boy against fracking last year when a red-and-white drilling rig sprouted near his weekend home in Weld County…

Yes, God forbid that our self-proclaimed ruling class ever see their part of the skyline sacrificed for such a trivial thing as energy independence and clean power*. That’s for the peons who aren’t enlightened enough to be rich Democratic liberals.


Moe Lane

*Remember when the left liked natural gas? Yeah, turned out that was just pillow talk, baby. As usual.

PS: While I understand that hydraulic fracking is a matter of some theological urgency to certain percentages of the population, I would appreciate it if the people who are so insistent about keeping other people’s religious sensibilities out of the public debate would exercise similar restraint when it comes to their own.