Money Changes Everything, Cyndi Lauper
I listened to the Phil Collins earlier tonight. …Look, I like Phil Collins (both solo and Genesis), but he probably shouldn’t have tried on this one.
Man, I don’t even know if my sixteen-year-old self would recognize this world. The electronics alone casually tossed on my desk would make his head explode. And, no, he wouldn’t have been prepared by, say, Star Trek: The Next Generation. That show wasn’t even out yet when I was sixteen.
Or he’s trying to troll somebody.
Steve Cohen, a Tennessee congressman, called Cyndi Lauper “hot” in a tweet and then abruptly deleted it.
Which, it turns out, was part of his secret plan.
“It was all a ruse,” Cohen tells [Howard Kurtz], an effort to fool the media. “I knew by deleting it they would run it, it would give it news, give it life. That was the hook.”
Although why the heck there’s supposed to be a press release on this is beyond me completely. Continue reading Steve Cohen is now just trolling us.
Money Changes Everything, Cyndi Lauper
This one goes out to all those capitalism-is-evil-magic folks out there. Bless their hearts.
The past truly is a different country. I keep expecting Hastur to stop by.