Behold the glory of our educational system: it gives us Occupiers (and other fools) who do not understand the concept of ‘inertia,’ and are about as equally unlikely to know how to spell it. I cannot believe that I actually have to type this out: if you deliberately put your four year old child on railroad tracks in order to block a moving train, then you have failed as a parent.
You can have “faith in humanity” all you want, but THE LAWS OF PHYSICS do not care. It is difficult to stop a multi-ton railed vehicle, once it gets started. It does not matter how fast the vehicle is going; it will still crush you if you do not get out of its way*. All the good intentions in the world will not help you.
If you recognize this woman, I beg you: keep her away from your children.
Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh #ows Mother risks daughter out of sheer narcissism.