My wife is going to kill me. Gee, THANKS, Constant Reader Crawford.
Moe Lane
PS: Anybody who Kickstarts this one: I’d take it as a personal favor if you tell the guy that the alternate game that you’d want a poster of was In Nomine.
My wife is going to kill me. Gee, THANKS, Constant Reader Crawford.
Moe Lane
PS: Anybody who Kickstarts this one: I’d take it as a personal favor if you tell the guy that the alternate game that you’d want a poster of was In Nomine.
He’s analyzing some of the problems with D&D’s Fourth Edition, and how they’re going to have a devil of a time getting their loyal fan base back, given that a whole lot of ’em decided to take full advantage of the Open Game License thing to keep and maintain Third Edition content. Personally, I take a kind of detached view on this, given that:
Still, interesting post. Personally, I think that more people in the political blogosphere who are also gamers should just come out and admit it. I mean, it’s the Internet. We’re all geeks under the skin here, right?
Moe Lane
…rolling for initiative.
Roll a D6 from Connor Anderson on Vimeo.
(Power) Word: Enjoy.
Via AoSHQ, via @adambaldwin.
Now, for the record: I’m not particularly upset that this guy can’t play D&D in prison – if for no other reason that you can’t play it without dice, and dice means gambling, and while my brief foray into the topic suggests that gambling may not be universally banned in American prisons I’m not seeing that correctional officials approve of it, either. Besides, convicted murderer who got life; not exactly the sort that would be in my Friday game, anyway. So, I’m fine with the ban, more or less, and at least when it comes to this particular case. What upsets me is that I’m now being invited to imagine what a D&D themed street gang would look like.
Unfortunately, I’m succeeding.
D&D rapping by a woman.
If I had to watch it, then so did you.