Behold! @dduane’s Seed Cake…inator!

[UPDATE: It tastes fine, but next time I’m making it with poppy seeds. Caraway seeds don’t taste bad, but when they show up in American dishes it’s for savory foods, not sweet ones.]

Sorry.  Phineas and Ferb are back on the kids’ rotation.  Anyway, isn’t this nice-looking?


No idea how it tastes, yet – I’m not going to try a Hobbit-style seed cake from a recipe adapted by Diane Duane without my wife being present – but it baked up easily enough. If I have a concern, it’s the caraway seeds. Apparently there is a great debate on how many caraway seeds should be put into one of these, and this was one recipe where I followed the directions for making and cooking pretty much to the letter.  And the letters said ‘lots of caraway seeds.’

Guess we’ll see!

Moe Lane

Book of the Week: A Wizard of Mars.

It’s not available until April, but what the heck: I’ve always been fond of Diane Duane’s work, particularly her YA So You Want To be a Wizard series. And besides, if I excluded people who more-or-less vaguely hate people like me from these sorts of lists I’d have a very short list with which to work with. As long as I can’t guess at, or be reminded of, the politics from the first fifty pages everything’s golden*.

So, we replace with The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun with A Wizard of Mars, and go on with this lovely Sunday night.

*The besettling sin of the Still Life With Fascists series, alas. The idea is to discuss Why You Think It Would Have Sucked To Have Hitler Have A Peace Treaty With England, not Why The Bush Administration Made So Angry, You Wanted To Strangle A Manatee In The Nude**.

**Bloom County reference.