[UPDATE]: Welcome, Hot Air readers. I ain’t proud: Paypal’s on the side over there. I promise to frivolously spend it on roleplaying and video games, if that helps.
Via @MelissaTweets / @chuckdizzle comes this heartwarming story about how an internal dispute at Occupy Wall Street is threatening to bring the whole, somewhat fetid, thing down. Reportedly, the actual community – you know, the ones who pay taxes and actually live/work there – is SICK AND TIRED OF THE DAMNED DRUMMING GOING ON ALL THE TIME WHEN DECENT PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO GET THEIR KIDS TO SLEEP, and they’re on the verge of sending in the cops with the mops. Meanwhile, the Occupiers are a little slow on this entire ‘recapitulating civilization’ thing, so they’ve not yet culturally evolved to the point where they can force the DAMNED DRUMMERS TO STOP THE DRUMMING AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY AND NIGHT. Because drummers WON’T STOP DRUMMING. EVER*. All of which means (supposedly) that unless the Occupiers can get their shit together – or more accurately, gone – shit will go down tomorrow at the real community board meeting.
And if you’ve never been to a community board meeting when it goes bad, well. It’s not pretty.
Mind you, @allahpundit refuses to believe that this isn’t a parody, which is fair: it’s hard to believe that such people as this… Continue reading #OWS hears the drums, drums, drums in the deep.