PSA: Duck and cover if you see a bright flash.

Seriously.  If you see a bright flash, you are seeing by definition a large energy release.  Large energy releases are quite often accompanied by things flying through the air, typically at high speed. You will typically have a moment or two to get down on the ground before any of things intersect your position.  In other word, be smart, like Yulia Karbysheva:

At School No. 37 in Chel­yabinsk, a quick-thinking substitute teacher, Yulia Karbysheva, got all 44 of her fourth-graders out of harm’s way as the meteor lighted up the sky, the Interfax news agency reported. After the intense bright flash of its explosion, the children rushed to the windows, but before the shock wave could hit, she commanded them to get under their desks.

Karbysheva was showered with glass and debris, but the children were unharmed. With a cut to a tendon in her left hand and a gash on her left thigh, she led her class to safety outdoors. The doctor treating her Saturday at Hospital No. 9 told Interfax she would recover.

Via Instapundit.  I know, I know: 1950s public safety films are often unintentionally hysterical.  They were also produced by people who typically spent between five and eight years of their lives dealing with other people actively trying to kill them with high explosives/shrapnel.  So assume that the producers might actually have known what the heck they were talking about.

The Duck and Cover video.

Via Instapundit… there are people who actually find this movie from the 1950s funny, and not in a good way.

Umm… it’s not.  It’s practical advice geared to kids in order to try to minimize flash burns and cuts from a nuclear blast.  That people find it amusing is an indictment of our time period, not theirs.

Moe Lane

PS: Fallout is most dangerous when ingested, breathed in, and/or in direct contact with the skin.  If, God forbid, you are ever in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion, cover yourself up as much as possible.  I mention this because a lot of people, judging from YouTube, seem to be getting their information on nuclear explosions from video games.

#rsrh “Duck and cover.”

Glenn Reynolds has a very good, very timely article on the subject* that depresses me utterly.  Not just because of the subject matter, which is gruesome, but necessary to contemplate.  What’s depressing is that I grew up in the tail end of the Cold War, and I remember well drawing overlapping circles on a map of the tri-State area and concluding that there wasn’t a chance in Hell that I could get far enough from the primary blast zones if the balloon ever went up**.  I did not mind in the slightest when history appeared to end in 1991.

But history doesn’t end, dammit.  And we need to address our lack of a Civil Defense program.

Moe Lane

*The very short version?  Unless you’re in the “instant kill” zone of a nuke, if one goes off near you it is a very good idea to duck when you see the flash (thus making you less of a target for the wave of infrared radiation and blast wave of pulverized solid materials that will follow), find cover (thus increasing your changes of surviving the shock waves) and seek shelter-in-place (thus not only avoiding fallout, which is going be highly dangerous; it also will help minimize the confusion and panic that will come in the aftermath of a nuclear strike).  The Obama administration is not being goofy by drawing from the 1950s Civil Defense programs; those programs were based on examinations of the aftermath of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, and the conclusions make sense.

**Fort Monmouth.  Had the 513th Military Intelligence Brigade at the time.  Worth a bomb.  Ten miles from my house.