DUELING SIX DEMONS is my buddy Jim Geraghty’s latest Dangerous Clique spy thriller novel, and I’m looking forward to reading it today. If only if because this may very well be the book where Jim finally bites the bullet and admits that he’s been writing occult/theurgic spy thrillers all along. Wish him luck! …And buy the series. It’s good.


Book of the Week: Dueling Six Demons.

I’m looking forward to Jim Geraghty’s Dueling Six Demons: A Dangerous Clique Novel. I would also like to note for the record that I did not pester Jim for an Advance Reader Copy, even though I could totally presume on our friendship to get one. Dude’s gotta get those hardcore first day sales numbers, because they’re critically important…


Pre-ordered: Dueling Six Demons: A Dangerous Clique Novel.

My buddy Jim Geraghty just announced that his next novel Dueling Six Demons: A Dangerous Clique Novel (The CIA’s Dangerous Clique Book 4) is coming out next month. Not to mention the fact that the title of this one may be more literal than expected.

Well. Expected by others. I personally sent Jim a copy of In Nomine. Just in case he needed any ideas – which he probably didn’t. Jim’s a good writer that way.

Anyway: pre-ordered.
