Oh, wow, the Vault-Tec DLC dropped already!

I was expecting it to drop at midnight.  Actually, to be honest: I expected it to drop a couple of days from now, because it’s been a surreal few days around here and I forgot that today was Monday.  The days just blur together when the kids aren’t in school and you’re no longer following the news…

Anyway, the Vault-Tec DLC is up!  Gonna download it, finish my posts for the night, then fire that sucker up.

Fallout 4’s post-Nuka World Apocalypse.

As in: once Nuka World drops, Bethesda’s not doing any more Fallout 4 DLC. Tell you the truth; that’s fairly reasonable.  We got one full adventure expansion and an adventure/crafting hybrid; and we also got two full crafting expansions and presumably another one some time this month.  Add one more full adventure expansion and that’s a decent amount of DLC support, there.  Although I am finally understanding enough of the lore now to wonder where this area’s remnants of the Enclave are. Continue reading Fallout 4’s post-Nuka World Apocalypse.

Fallout 4 Contraptions Workshop drops tonight.

Gonna be interesting to see how Fallout 4 Contraptions explodes all over the mods, as it’s going to be giving people stuff like greenhouses and warehouses. The mod that lets you have those already is pretty danged popular… at least, on the Nexus. I don’t really ‘do’ the Bethesda mods; there’s been some controversy (note: that is NOT an unbiased source) over whether the people who are uploading some of those mods are the same people who made the mods in the first place.  The Fallout Nexus has better oversight, honestly.

So MAYBE some more Fallout 4 DLC drops today.


The slip up this time is from Microsoft, who has already slipped up twice this week when it comes to Bethesda, offering up Fallout 4 and its DLC for free on the Xbox marketplace. Now, the Xbox marketplace has revealed yet another one of Bethesda’s announcements ahead of time when several users reported being able to download a new Fallout 4 DLC, Contraptions Workshop.

Continue reading So MAYBE some more Fallout 4 DLC drops today.

Fallout 4 mods live on Xbox One.

I’m going to be nice and not write that out as ‘live,’ despite the reports of connectivity issues. Of course there’s going to be connectivity issues. They’re giving people mods on consoles for the first time; it’s a special miracle that the whole thing didn’t implode into a singularity on the spot.

Mind you, I can’t directly report on this. First off, I don’t have an Xbox One. Even if I did, I wouldn’t be switching over to the console version of Fallout 4 any time soon: there are some serious limitations to mods on the consoles, and I don’t mean the nudity ban (2 gig limit on mods, for one thing). Still, it’s pretty awesome that Bethesda is expanding access like this. Brave new world, and all that…

Just finished Far Harbor for Fallout 4.

In typical Queen of the Girl Scouts fashion (that’s a really useful line that Bioware came up with, huh?) my character managed to avoid various penultimate bloodbaths on the aforementioned Harbor.  Except for the Super-Mutants, of course. And the deranged Trappers. And those stupid Fog whatever-they-were that look vaguely like Girl Genius’s Slaver Wasps.  All of those pretty much get killed on sight, if not nearly as quickly as I have grown accustomed to killing Bad Things in Fallout 4.

Also, I had to lie a lot.  And climb hills!  It was like Skyrim all over again, only with no ability to Shout people off of said hills. Maybe somebody will do a mod…

Moe Lane

PS: It’s a pretty solid DLC, but I could have stood to see more stuff about the Fog and whoever that Woman of the Fog was.