The FERMI RESOLUTION RPG sourcebook has been sent to layout.

I finally bit the bullet, broke my fingers, and sent that sucker off to be laid out. It’s now out of my hands: which is good, because I had to break all my fingers* before I’d let go of it, hey? I honestly hadn’t realized how much of a chore it was going to be, either. Swear to God, the next edition of this is going to have a dedicated editor who I can pay to do the job…

But that’s all good. It’s out to layout, I’ll get it to my backers when it’s done, and that’s the last thing on the checklist except for the sonnets and the game session. And those are being worked on, too…

Moe Lane

*I did not actually break any fingers.

Preliminary sketches, the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook cover.

I have to keep reminding myself that it’s OK to show stuff like this off. This is just the preliminary pencil sketch; there are a couple details that need to be tweaked, and obviously the final is going to be in color. But Ben Fleuter here hit all the notes that I wanted hit. I’m really happy with the way it’s coming out.