Finished going through the Fermi Resolution Worldbook files!

Which pretty much took me through the morning and a healthy chunk of the afternoon (it’s mailed out now to my layout guy, thank goodness). For the curious: I was looking for typos, incorrect numbers, mistakes, that sort of thing; the actual upgrade of the worldbook into something that can be purchased is the task of the professional I hired. Which is why I’m doing the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit in the first place, mind you. This stuff don’t come cheap.

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Had a productive talk with Backerkit today.

The word of the day is discoverability. This is what Backerkit felt I wanted for my crowdfunding projects; and as soon as I heard the word, I agreed with them. The problem is not that I’m at all worried that the Fermi Resolution Worldbook will not fund. I’m not worried, because it will fund, and very possibly on the first day. What I’m trying to do with this project is go beyond my usual supporters* and pull in people who will be discovering my stuff for the first time. That is a somewhat different problem to solve.

Continue reading Had a productive talk with Backerkit today.

Oh, hey: I have an adventure for a stretch goal for the Backerkit!

That being THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK (teaser page and launch party). When I playtested the rules, I actually ran an adventure (based on a story from TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 1) for it. This adventure will be an excellent stretch goal, when coupled with a short primer on how to run games set in that time period. In fact, I can do this with a bunch of short stories.

That may end up being useful, although I’m just doing one primer for this thing. Playtesting is, after all, a requirement.



These are the numbers that I’m thinking of for the FERMI RESOLUTION TTRPG:

Softcover, Large, Regular Color$29.95
Hardcover, Large, Regular Color$34.95
Digital File$14.95

I have to think of them now because I need to come up with pledge levels for the Backerkit (it’d be awesome if you signed up for notifications for that, by the way). The book will be about 150 pages, and have a bunch of art. Do these numbers feel right to you? It’s a self-contained book using the GUMSHOE rules.

The Fermi Resolution Worldbook RPG project is a go!

Today I talked with the guy who’ll be doing the layout stuff, and we set up a schedule for work and payments. Now all I have to do is get the Backerkit up and running. The current plan is to publish through DriveThruRPG; I’m reviewing the details now, but it looks like I can get them to do distribution of both my digital and print rewards.

Note: this project will not launch before February of 2025. You can sign up for notifications here!