This article by Megan McArdle on the escalating war between the Kindle and the iPad
over who gets to replace my print library (and thus, give me my basement back) is very interesting; unfortunately – and this isn’t Megan’s fault – I still haven’t decided which one I prefer, and thus can recommend. Clearly what needs to happen is that each company should send me one to, ah, ‘analyze.’ Obviously, if one sends me one and the other doesn’t, that will make the results pretty much a foregone conclusion, yes? I’ve even updated the Wish List on the Filthy Lucre page accordingly for said company representatives (and company representatives only*).
Oh, yes: do the same thing for Little Miss Attila. After all, she brought this issue to my attention.
Moe Lane
PS: Seriously, why Amazon didn’t hand out more Kindles to New Media folks…
*My current readers already got me a new audio rig for phone interviews. Which hopefully they feel that they’re getting their money’s worth on; I’m trying to get at least a couple in every week.