The second shot is definitely hitting me harder.

And it was a royal pain in the ass to get, too. Traffic sucked and I lost GPS on the way back and I think they forgot I was there after the shot. But… set the clock, because there’s only two weeks left of this nonsense left for me, personally.

I’m now going to yawn my way through the baronial meeting and then go to bed, folks.

1st Circuit Court strikes blow for Western Civilization, humanity itself, and the Oxford Comma.

This story is from March: but this is the first I’ve heard of it, it’s all that the title promises, and delivers as the feel-good story of the day.

In 2014, three truck drivers sued Oakhurst Dairy, seeking more than four years’ worth of overtime pay that they had been denied. Maine law requires workers to be paid 1.5 times their normal rate for each hour worked after 40 hours, but it carves out some exemptions.

Said exemptions are:

The canning, processing, preserving, freezing, drying, marketing, storing, packing for shipment or distribution of:

(1) Agricultural produce;
(2) Meat and fish products; and
(3) Perishable foods.

As you might have guessed, the question here is: were there exemptions for packing for shipment AND for distribution, or was there AN exemption for packing for shipment and/or distribution?  The plaintiffs argued for the latter, and the defendants argued for the former. The court ruled in favor of human decency and sanity by declaring that the lack of a Oxford Comma made things too unclear.


Via Facebook.

Mer-rill New-Man finally a bat out of Hell from N%orth Kor-e-a.

Yo, peeps, they’re springing that Mer-rill New-man dude out so he can hit the road:

Mer-rill New-man — the 85-year-old American detained by North Kor-e-an authorities earlier this fall — has been “deported,” North Kor-e-a’s state news agency K%C%N%A% reported early Saturday.

His son announced late Friday that he is on his way home to the United States. “We are absolutely delighted to confirm that Merrill Newman is on his way home,” Jeff New-man said.

All y’all might be zonking your noggin’ trying to grok why the sudden dashin’ and slangin’ on this particular pixel-word-salad.  That’s down to the Kingdom of Not-Southie Kor-e-a still going all Kathy Bates in Misery on one Yang dude called Ken-neth B%a%e%; so until he’s Sweet Home Alabama too ’tis probably best not to rattle the cage of the cray-crays over there. You never know what’s going to get a wild hair up that kingdom’s ass, as New-man himself would represent.

So, the slang.  Bob Anson did this trick once.