04/08/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

It was a good day on the Kickstarter, to start the second week. And the map’s done and paid for, which is nice. And, best of all: I got chapters of edits back! …And they were all sensible ones, dammit. If you want to learn a seemly humility, hand your work over to an editor. The experience is most instructive.

Continue reading 04/08/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

04/06/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Today I started the map-purchasing process. I’ve commissioned Robert Altbauer of Fantasy Map to do the job; he comes well-recommended, and after seeing some of his work I was happy to hire him to do the work. One more possible add-on, I think. Speaking of which: I want to see how FROZEN DREAMS is doing at the midpoint level before I decide how to do add-ons. Backerkit will make it a lot easier, but also cost money to set up and run. If I don’t get very many more backers, it may make more sense for me to run things on my own*.

Continue reading 04/06/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

04/05/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Today, I had discussions, or at least a discussion and maybe started another couple. The ‘maybe’ discussions involved inquiries into map prices, and I’ll know how they went in a few days. The full discussion involved the audiobook stretch goal; I sat down with my audiobook narrator and worked out what she would do and her rates, should it fund and/or I put the money together otherwise. She’ll also be hopefully recording a blurb/sample in the next few days, which I will absolutely use to try to entice more people to back the Kickstarter.

I’m not sure how well that will work out, assuming that it funds; but every time I’ve gone I don’t think people will pay good money for that about something in this Kickstarter I’ve turned out to be wrong. Besides, if it works it’s a revenue stream worth looking into. And, honestly: I kind of like the idea in general now. Pulp detective stories lend themselves well to dramatic readings, I think.

Another physical copy tier has been added to FROZEN DREAMS.

I was going to wait, but people kept telling me not to wait, and then my sister-in-law asked a pointed question, and that was pretty much it at that point. You know how it is. I don’t think a third series of signed and lettered copies of FROZEN DREAMS is in the cards, though: my back ain’t what it used to be.


Moe Lane

04/03/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.


I spent the morning playing with spreadsheets and making suggested revisions to Chapter 1 to FROZEN DREAMS. The spreadsheets were mostly to make sure that I’m being reasonable in my stretch goals. I… seem to be? Where I’m getting hung up is that I don’t know how to budget for the city map that I’m likely going to need commissioning; I’ve been asking around about prices, but I get a lot of shrugs and ‘it depends.’ This industry needs some industry standards, tanjit.

In contrast, the revisions are straightforward: my copy-editor sent over suggested changes, I looked at them and pretty much said Yeah, and then I went and implemented them. Nice and simple and it didn’t take me long to do. I like this system.

So, Day One of the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter went well.

At 5 PM Eastern Time: $775, 33 backers, off of a $200 target goal. Not bad. Not bad at all.


A little surprising, mind you — but, as my wife pointed out to me, I was operating under very conservative assumptions for the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter. And not just in terms of the pledge goal. I had worked out ahead of time what I thought I’d need, in terms of how many people would sign up for each tier; and I made the assumption that I’d get more people at the base tier than for the higher ones. In fact, I didn’t take into consideration the two highest tiers of all when calculating revenue results*. It turns out that the exact opposite happened; the two highest tiers sold out on the first day, and the base tier had the lowest total**.

Mind you, I’m not exactly upset that I funded 300% on the first day. If I have anything like a concern it’s that I don’t overcompensate for the next Kickstarter and screw that up somehow. But this has been a pleasantly educational day.

Continue reading So, Day One of the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter went well.