Three weeks until the start o the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter!

Click that link and hit the “Notify At Launch” button so that you won’t forget. The FROZEN DREAMS* Kickstarter starts on April 1st and continues for thirty days, but the first couple are the most important ones for purposes of generating buzz. Tell your friends; heck, tell your enemies if you think that they’ll listen.

Moe Lane

*My first book! Post-apocalyptic high urban fantasy pulp detective fiction. Trust me, it makes more sense once you read it.

03/08/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

…Welp, I’m going to go get a haircut so that I can do the Kickstarter video tomorrow and not look like a mountain man. Right now I’m trying to decide whether to do that before, or after, ONWARD. Probably after. Although I may do the haircut tomorrow, at that. The advice you folks gave about the video text was real handy, but I have yet to actually take it. The lingering effects of this cold… linger.

Feedback requested: Kickstarter pitch video script.

This is first draft, so feel free to pick it apart. I haven’t timed it yet, but I’m aiming for short and sweet. And no, I don’t know if that joke in the first paragraph really works, but what the hell. It’s the sort of joke I’d make in real life, and to thine own self be true.

The Kickstarter will go live on April 1st, by the way. The video is the last thing I need to do before submitting this project for review.

Continue reading Feedback requested: Kickstarter pitch video script.

03/05/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

So, I’ve been out the last couple of days. I miss anything? Probably not. Anyway: spent the morning working on pieces for the next book, which will a collection of short stories set in the same universe as FROZEN DREAMS. A selection of three of them will be a tier reward for the Kickstarter, and at least one of them will be previously unpublished anywhere. It’s very exciting!

03/02/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

I mostly spent it wondering if this was a cold or the dreaded coronavirus (it’s a cold). I did run some more numbers and thought a little on how the Kickstarter video should go. I’ll probably make it in about a week or so. The trick is to make it as short as possible while still putting in all the information. And, well, not making it look like crap. Yay!

03/01/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Today I learned how to format chapter headings for a Kindle book ( let Scrivener do it), how to add cover art (let Scrivener do it), and how to fix the way the chapter headings were two-thirds the way down the screen (find where Scrivener did it, and change what Scrivener did). I also figured out where the Dedication/copyright page was! That’s gonna be handy.

So, technical stuff is actually not going too badly.

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, I also went through the manuscript and shot all but five uses of ‘of course’ in the head. It had to be done.