Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Twelve: 14 Chapters / 30,864 words.

Kind of at the halfway point here at Frozen Dreams, folks.  Kind of weird, seeing the manuscript form.  Kind of weird, thinking about the really difficult parts coming up. Continue reading Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Twelve: 14 Chapters / 30,864 words.

Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Nine: 11 Chapters / 24,708 Words.

Although I’m debating about splitting this last chapter of Frozen Dreams into two chapters and expanding them out a bit.  I also have to decide whether to go to a certain location.  It’s a really bad idea, but since when has that ever stopped a protagonist? Continue reading Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Nine: 11 Chapters / 24,708 Words.

Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Eight: 10 Chapters / 21,224 Words.

More chapters, and fewer words, than I expected.  Although, no, actually it’s a little bit above a target number of 60K words for the whole thing.  Scrivener is I think estimating that Frozen Dreams will probably hit about 180 pages or so, which isn’t bad.  Respectable, even. Continue reading Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Eight: 10 Chapters / 21,224 Words.

Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day SEven: 8 Chapters / 17,420 Words.

Yeah, this part of Frozen Dreams is definitely going to need some plot work.  Gotta remind myself more that this is a first draft, not the magnum opus. It can still be a little clunky.

Continue reading Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day SEven: 8 Chapters / 17,420 Words.

Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Five: 5 Chapters / 9,844 words.

Got the wordcount for the latest chapter of Frozen Dreams up a bit, this time.  Things are also starting to move along, here.  I must remember to put my hero in still more trouble, because that’s adventure, right? Continue reading Frozen Dreams Working Draft Process, Day Five: 5 Chapters / 9,844 words.