Quote of the Day, I’m Not Sure If I Buy This About Gamers edition.

I mean, I’d like to. Still, I’m not sure I’m buying this:

More than a decade ago, John C. Beck and Mitchell Wade, who now work at the consulting firm Accenture, surveyed 2,500 business professionals and concluded that people who played videogames as teenagers were better at business than people who didn’t. Their 2004 book “Got Game: How the Gamer Generation Is Reshaping Business Forever” found that videogame players were more likely to consider themselves experts, to want more pay for better performance and to see persistence as the secret to success.

Seeing as I’ve personally racked up an insane amount of time on, say, Skyrim – and I’m not exactly sure how the ability to crouch my way through a dungeon while pre-emptively shooting corpses that just look wrong will translate into a marketable skill.  Although the mummified remains of an office complex would make for a heck of a dungeon. No, wait, that’s Fallout 4. So… yes, yes it does.

Interesting gamer post here from Ace.

He’s analyzing some of the problems with D&D’s Fourth Edition, and how they’re going to have a devil of a time getting their loyal fan base back, given that a whole lot of ’em decided to take full advantage of the Open Game License thing to keep and maintain Third Edition content.  Personally, I take a kind of detached view on this, given that:

  1. I didn’t really do 3E.  My D&D was AD&D, and that was only because my wife could DM that system in her sleep*.
  2. Right now I’m not really gaming, period.  Long story, mostly involving kids and time and whatnot.
  3. When I do get back to gaming it’ll probably be either GURPS or one of the Cthulhu systems.

Still, interesting post.  Personally, I think that more people in the political blogosphere who are also gamers should just come out and admit it.  I mean, it’s the Internet.  We’re all geeks under the skin here, right?

Moe Lane

Continue reading Interesting gamer post here from Ace.