Just got back the second and final round of edits on GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND. My editor informed me that there were parts of it that she wished she hadn’t read before bed, so I’m going to score that as a good omen for a science fiction horror novel. I plan to spend the rest of the evening burning through them, and making what changes were necessary. They should just be hyphenation, typos, and my personal nemesis: semicolons. Although it’s a relief to just let a copyeditor flag those.

Now comes the processing work. I will not have the book ready for Fright Reads, but I might be able to get the Kindle version published by then. Thoughts on doing that, or waiting until the paperback is proofed to release the book? I already know that GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will not be on Kindle Unlimited. I want to see what the alternate revenue streams look like on this one.

Busy couple of days either way.

Up to Chapter 6 on the GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND pass-through!

It’s going much faster, because thankfully typos and flaws do not actually breed when you’re not looking. That’s just a myth that writers tell people because we don’t want to explain that staring at text is hard. It’s particularly hard when you have to force yourself to remember the text that you’re staring at is not necessarily the text that you have in your head…

Anyway, the pass-through continues. Soon I will have a good idea of a release date. Soon.

Prepare yourself for GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND by buying COVENANTS!

COVENANTS: FOUR TALES OF AGREEMENTS has a story set in the same science fiction / horror universe (“Tour of Duty”) as my upcoming novel GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND. Also check out “Notes from the 2078 United Nations Antarctic Archaeological Survey” on Kindle Vella. Between the two, you should be able to get a feel for the world of the novel. Also, I get money. Win-win!

First set of edits for GHOST ON AN ALIEN WIND are in the can!

Queue the excited gibbering and meeping. I still have to go into the first chapter and punch it up considerably, which I will do… tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds good. Brain tired needs foods.

After that, I send GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND back to my editor for another quick pass-through, just to catch whatever typos we missed the first time. After that… crap, it’ll be time to publish another book. This will be my fourth novel. Fancy that.


Got some more chapters edited on GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND.

And I think I fixed a bit of a problem that the editor was flagging with it, in a way that neither bugged me, nor demanded an entire rewrite of a couple of chapters. One of the problems with writing a book is that you forget sometimes what you’ve written, or you change your mind about something halfway through and forget to revise everything to reflect that. Hopefully I’ve stamped on that particular issue.

PS: Buy my books! MORGAN BAROD and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION are half off in paperback right now. I dunno why, either.

Another two chapter edits on GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND…

…and I may be done for the moment. Doing chapter edits always requires more brainpower than I expect it to. Maybe because I have to think about the edit’s relationship with the rest of the text? Or something like that.

By the way: one reason that you should get an editor when you can is for the questions you get asked about your text. There are things that I know about the story, but never spelled out. Or, in some cases, articulated. Having somebody point out possible obscurities is a definite help.