Tag: gog.com
The FALLOUT LONDON launch trailer.
I probably don’t have time to play this.
You can pick up FALLOUT LONDON at GOG, and they’re kind of suggesting that you grab a copy of FALLOUT 4 GOTY there and disable updates. This seems like a very good suggestion, because apparently it won’t work on Next-Gen Fallout and the developers aren’t even going to bother trying to keep up with the updates. I can’t say that I blame them much for that, either. Besides, I also think this replaces the base game, and people are still playing the base game. Heck, I’m finishing up Far Harbor as we speak.
Tweet of the Day, Four-Buck Tie Fighter! (And God Bless GOG.com) edition.
Seriously, I love those guys. They are out and about doing the Lord’s work, bringing us the games of our younger days and allowing us to play them on our modern machines. I don’t have the joystick anymore, but if you do Star Wars: Tie Fighter was an awesome game. The graphics are very mid-Nineties, but I’ve never played a better space combat flight simulator. If they remade it I’d buy it in a heartbeat.
(PCDD) STAR WARS: TIE Fighter Special Edition $3.99 via GOG. https://t.co/FXh4V2ZCDz pic.twitter.com/lUkAGVVTYt
— Cheap Ass Gamer (@videogamedeals) June 7, 2017