First look at Toro’s FRANKENSTEIN.

Guillermo del Toro’s ‘FRANKENSTEIN’ doesn’t look half bad, but… can we maybe get it in black and white? Or – hear me out – black, white… and green? That’d look good, right? That scene in a stark B&W, except for the unholy emerald glow of the Mad Science apparatuses. I think that would pop, visually.

Anyway. Pretty cool.

Cast for Guillermo del Toro’s FRANKENSTEIN announced.

It’s pretty solid: Oscar Isaac, Andrew Garfield, Christoph Waltz, and Mia Goth were mentioned as the principals. I have no idea if one of them is going to be the Monster, though. None of them seem quite right for that particular part, although I suspect Isaac will get to be Dr. Frankenstein. I like Waltz a lot as an actor, but he’s too old for that role, too.



“Dreams in the Witch-House” and “Pickman’s Model*” are both interesting choices for inclusion, in that they are both some of Lovecraft’s most intimate works. I might have swapped out “The Terrible Old Man” for “Witch-House,” but then: I’m not Guilllermo del Toro, so what do I know?

Via Facebook.

Moe Lane

*I’m certainly excited to see how this anthology’s take on “Pickman’s Model” diverges or converges with mine. And mine is only 99 cents!



Word on the street is that a couple of the Cabinet of Curiosities are Lovecraft adaptations. Also note: Guillermo del Toro isn’t directing these himself, but that’s okay. Supposedly, ‘Dreams in the Witch House’ is one of the two Lovecraft works, and I’m happy to see that story get done with a decent budget.

Moe Lane

PS: Of course I want to see del Toro do IN THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS, instead. I also want world peace, an excellent working relationship with a reputable literary advertising agency, and a pony. I’m just managing my expectations.

Don’t tease me, bro: del Toro and At The Mountains of Madness.

Saw this on Facebook. It’s painful to contemplate, man. Painful.

Guillermo del Toro Still Hopes to Make H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness

H.P. Lovecraft is considered one of the most seminal authors in all of horror and sci-fi literature, with filmmaker Guillero del Toro considered a visionary of cinema, and while del Toro’s previous efforts to adapt Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness never moved forward, he recently confirmed that he’s still interested in making that project become a reality. The project first started to take shape back in the mid-2000s but didn’t seem to make substantial steps forward until the early 2010s, but even with impressive names attached, del Toro’s plans never worked out and he continues to hope the stars will align for the adventure.

I want this movie real bad, AS YOU ALL KNOW. But I suspect that the only way del Toro’s gonna get it made is if he tells the studio that he’s filming something else and nobody comes and checks. I know that sounds stupid, but apparently there’s resistance to doing the movie – and, no: I don’t know why it’s so hard to arrange, either. Maybe they’re worried about it coming out when the stars are right.

My only exoteric* comment about the Oscars.

And it’s one that many other people have made.  To with, that Guillermo Del Toro’s Best Director Oscar gives him some serious Hollywood juice right now.  Possibly even enough juice to let him make the picture every Lovecraft fan in the world wants him to make: a big-screen adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness.  As I said on Twitter the other day… I don’t know what I would do to get a Del Toro Mountains of Madness. I don’t know if I want to know what I’d do to get a Del Toro Mountains of Madness. But I’d watch the hell out of that movie, if he made it.

Moe Lane

*Yes, it’s a word. One that I’ve always been fond of.

New clip from “The Shape of Water.”

The Shape of Water is Guillermo del Toro’s… well, it’s probably not going to be del Toro’s take on “The Shadow Over Innsmouth,” but I look forward to seeing it on December 8th anyway.  Despite the fact that the art critics are raving about it: they’re going into the theater for one thing, and I’m going in for something entirely else. It’s no particular skin off of my nose if they find art in the creature feature flick that I’m watching. Continue reading New clip from “The Shape of Water.”