Preferred Conclusions [GURPS 4e].

Preferred Conclusions, Ltd.

HQ: Chicago, with small field offices across the globe.

Type: Private company (primary client: Infinity Unlimited).

Purpose: Expert interdimensional forgery and document processing services.

If you’re an academic with a strong work ethic, a firm grasp of at least one historical era, and an absolute indifference to being immediately blackballed for life from working for any university and/or historical foundation, Preferred Conclusions will happily give you a job.  They’ll even throw in moving expenses. They sort of have to; people who openly work for Preferred Conclusions tend to want to move out of their old academic stomping grounds right quick, before some professor decides to get drunk one night and throw a brick through the window.

Continue reading Preferred Conclusions [GURPS 4e].

Faun [GURPS 4e]

Faun [600 pt]

Attributes [260]: ST 12 [20], DX 16 [120], IQ 13 [60], HT 16 [60], HP 12, Will 13, Per 13, FP 16, Basic Speed 8

Social Background

TL: 3 [0]

Advantages [276]: Animal Empathy [5], Catfall [10], Claws (Blunt Claws) [3], Combat Reflexes [15], Jumper (World) (Cannot Escort; Cannot Follow; Drift; Interplanar (can only reach higher planes); Naked; New Worlds) [75], Magery (4) [40], Magery 0 [5], Mana Enhancer (1) [50], Silence (3) [15], Social Regard (Feared) (1) [5], Spirit Empathy [10], Striker (Crushing) (Horns) (Limited Arc) [3], Super Jump (1) [10], Trained By A Master [30]

Continue reading Faun [GURPS 4e]

Necroman [450 pt] [GURPS 4e]


Attributes [226]: ST 12 [20], DX 14 [80], IQ 14 [80], HT 12 [20], HP 13 [2], Will 14, Per 14, FP 20 [24]

Social Background: TL: 8 [0], Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0], Languages: Arabic (Native) [4]; French (Accented) [2]; Greek (Accented) [2]; Hebrew (Accented) [2]; Latin (Native) [4]; Old English (Native) [4]; Spanish (Accented) [2].

Advantages [155]: Charisma (2) [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Empathy [15], Language Talent [10], Magery (3) [30], Magery 0 [5], Sage (3) [30], Single-Minded [5], Very Fit [15]

Continue reading Necroman [450 pt] [GURPS 4e]

ID Generator [TL10] [GURPS 4e]

ID Generator [TL10]

Description: a oblong box with a strap, usually disguised as some sort of travel bag.  There are slots at the top for putting in raw materials, and a hopper for extruding badges, papers, and other forms of identification.  An extendable computer network cord with a memory-metal universal interface can also be extended from the top of the ID Generator. The box is usually covered with a bag that doubles as a solar panel for recharging.  $20,000, 5 lbs, C/1 week, LC1.

Continue reading ID Generator [TL10] [GURPS 4e]

Conjuror [GURPS 4e]

Conjuror [450 pt]

Attributes [130]: ST 10, DX 13 [60], IQ 12 [40], HT 12 [20]

HP 10, Will 12, Per 14 [10], FP 12

Damage 1d-2/1d

Advantages [292]: Autoteleport (Psi) (10) [80], Charisma (1) [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Combat Teleport (Psi) [15], Exoteleport (Psi) (10) [91], Gizmo (10) [50], Portersense (Psi) (4) [16], Teleportation Talent (4) [20]

Perks [9]: Castling [1], Coin Trick [1], Expulsion [1], Inertia [1], Style Adaptation [1], Style Familiarity (Jeet Kune Do) [1], Technique Adaptation (Counterattack) [1], Technique Adaptation (Feint) [1], That Extra Inch [1]

Disadvantages [-65]: Code of Honor (Comics Code) [-15], Delusion (Teleportation plus Martial Arts fixes everything.) (Minor) [-5], Honesty (12 or less) [-10], Impulsiveness (12 or less) [-10], Obsession (Reach black belt) (Short-Term Goal) (12 or less) [-5], Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5], Sense of Duty (“The good people.”) (Large Group) [-10], Workaholic [-5]

Quirks [-5]: Embarrassed that he doesn’t speak Chinese [-1], Goes shirtless when possible [-1], Imaginative [-1], Likes one particular kind of soft drink [-1], Trademark (Teleported items) [-1]

Packages [0]: Student (Martial Arts) [0]

Skills [89]: Acrobatics DX/H – DX-1 12 [2], Autoteleport IQ/H – IQ+4 16 [4]*, Body Sense DX/H – DX+2 15 [12], Bulk Compensation (Autoteleport) Tech/H –  16 [6], Careful (Autoteleport) Tech/H – 15 [3], Connoisseur (Visual Arts) IQ/A – IQ+0 12 [2], Cooking IQ/A – IQ+0 12 [2], Counterattack (Karate) Tech/H –  9 [2], Ear Clap (Karate) Tech/A – 11 [1], Elbow Strike (Karate) Tech/A – 12 [1], Exoteleport IQ/H – IQ+4 16 [4]*, Eye-Poke (Karate) Tech/H – 5 [2], Feint (Karate) Tech/H –  14 [2], Head Butt (Karate) Tech/H – 13 [2], Intimidation Will/A – Will-1 11 [1], Judo DX/H – DX+0 13 [4], Karate DX/H – DX+0 13 [4], Kicking (Karate) Tech/H – 12 [2], Knee Strike (Karate) Tech/A –  13 [1], Leadership IQ/A – IQ+0 12 [1]**, Lifting HT/A – HT+0 12 [2], Mass Port (Exoteleport) Tech/H – 16 [8], Observation Per/A – Per+0 14 [2], Portersense Per/H – Per+2 16 [1]*, Running HT/A – HT+0 12 [2], Savoir-Faire (Dojo) IQ/E – IQ+2 14 [4], Search Per/A – Per-1 13 [1], Stamp Kick (Karate) Tech/H –  11 [2], Stealth DX/A – DX-1 12 [1], Streetwise IQ/A – IQ+0 12 [2], Tactics IQ/H – IQ+0 12 [4], Tracking (Autoteleport) Tech/H – 15 [2]

*Includes: +4 from ‘Teleportation Talent’

**Includes: +1 from ‘Charisma’

Stats [130] Ads [292] Disads [-65] Quirks [-5] Skills [89] = Total [450]

Continue reading Conjuror [GURPS 4e]

IOCANE Powder [GURPS 4e]

IOCANE* Powder

*Invasive Operations (Clinical, Advanced Nano-Engineering)

(TL 11)

It typically comes in powder form; why, yes, it can be fairly said that IOCANE powder is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and can certainly be programmed to be among one of the more deadly poisons known to Man. It can be programmed to do a lot of things, in fact. That’s sort of the point.  Each dose of IOCANE Powder is programmed to duplicate the effects of any drug or poison known at TL9 or below. Changing the ‘load’ on a dose of IOCANE Powder requires a Complexity 6 computer (this would be a high-end supercomputer at TL9, and a cufflink-sized computer at TL11) and the right program. $150 per dose, LC 4: it’s supposed to be regulated, but getting a permit for use on primitive planets is dead easy.

Continue reading IOCANE Powder [GURPS 4e]

Betty Sparkle [250 pt] [GURPS 4e]

OK? Can I now work on the thing I’m supposed to be working on, brain?

Betty Sparkle [250 pt]

Attributes [105]: ST 10, DX 11 [20], IQ 14 [80], HT 10, HP 10, Will 14, Per 15 [5], FP 10

Social Background: TL: 8 [0]

Cultural Familiarities: Languages: English (Native/None) [0]; Japanese (Native) [6]; Strine (Accented) [4].

Advantages [172]: Appearance (Attractive) [4], Claim to Hospitality (Swagmen) (3) [5], Contact (in home city) (Effective Skill 18) (9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [3], Magery (3) [30], Magery 0 [5], Mana Enhancer (2) [100], Smooth Operator (1) [15]

Disadvantages [-95]: Bad Sight (Nearsighted) (Glasses) [-10], Code of Honor (Swagman’s) [-5], Greed (12 or less) [-15], Obsession (The big score) (Short-Term Goal) (12 or less) [-5], Secret (Criminal) (Imprisonment or Exile) [-20], Secret (Mage with Mana Enhancer) (Possible Death) [-30], Sense of Duty (Swagmen) (Large Group) [-10]

Quirks [-5]: Attentive [-1], Careful [-1], Chauvinistic [-1], Imaginative [-1], Nosy [-1]

Skills [56]: Acting IQ/A – IQ+1 15 [2]*, Archaeology IQ/H – IQ-1 13 [2], Area Knowledge (Homeline) IQ/E – IQ+1 15 [2], Carousing HT/E – HT+2 12 [2]*, Connoisseur (Visual Arts) IQ/A – IQ+2 16 [8], Criminology/TL8 IQ/A – IQ+0 14 [2], Detect Lies Per/H – Per-1 14 [1]*, Diplomacy IQ/H – IQ-1 13 [1]*, Fast-Talk IQ/A – IQ+1 15 [2]*, Filch DX/A – DX+1 12 [4], Forgery/TL8 IQ/H – IQ+0 14 [4], Gambling IQ/A – IQ-1 13 [1], Gesture IQ/E – IQ+0 14 [1], Guns/TL8 (Pistol) DX/E – DX+1 12 [2], Hidden Lore (Confidence games) IQ/A – IQ+0 14 [2], Hobby Skill (Comics/Manga) IQ/E – IQ+0 14 [1], Merchant IQ/A – IQ+0 14 [2], Panhandling IQ/E – IQ+1 15 [1]*, Research/TL8 IQ/A – IQ-1 13 [1], Savoir-Faire (Swagmen) IQ/E – IQ+1 15 [1]*, Search Per/A – Per+1 16 [4]

Sex Appeal (Human) HT/A – HT+2 12 [2]*/**, Stealth DX/A – DX+0 11 [2], Streetwise IQ/A – IQ+2 16 [4]*, Urban Survival Per/A – Per+0 15 [2]

  • *Includes: +1 from ‘Smooth Operator’
  • **Includes:  +1 from ‘Appearance’

Spells [17]: Apportation IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Clean IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Colors IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Copy IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Dye IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Find Weakness IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Ignite Fire IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Light IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Purify Air IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Rejoin IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Repair IQ/H – IQ+2 16 [2], Restore IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Seek Earth IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Seek Water IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Soilproof IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1], Weaken IQ/H – IQ+1 15 [1]

Stats [105] Ads [172] Disads [-95] Quirks [-5] Skills [56] Spells [17] = Total [250]

Continue reading Betty Sparkle [250 pt] [GURPS 4e]

Also, the Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 Kickstarter is at 69%.

More specifically, the Powered by GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 & Game Reprint Kickstarter. It’s getting a little close to the wire, there. I suppose that maybe I should internally commit to running GURPS at WashingCon. Especially if I skip 2020 to go do DragonCon instead.

Continue reading Also, the Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 Kickstarter is at 69%.

The Citadel at Nordvorn Kickstarter is *so* close.

The Citadel at Nordvorn Kickstarter (GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, third party) is so very close. It may even clear by the time this posts, which would be nice. I had fun running its predecessor at WashingCon; haven’t decided yet whether to run GURPS again this year, but if I do this it will probably be from this module.

…On second thought, why wait? I know I’m getting the hardcopy anyway.