Quote of the Day, Early Presidential Entrants Often Don’t Finish The Race, You Know edition.

Here is a truth:

Hillary Clinton already wears the mantle of presumptive nominee for president. She’s an accomplished lawyer, a member of Walmart’s board of directors, a close adviser to her husband when he was president, a two-term senator from New York, and secretary of state. And yet, she is a horrible politician.

And before I am assured that the media will cover for her, let me remind folks: the media has its limits. If it didn’t, Hillary Clinton would be topping the bestseller list right now.  She… is not.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Rooting For Injuries Watch: Hillary Clinton vs. Ashley Madison.

I don’t give a tinker’s dam who wins this one, as long as it’s a messy fight.


…And I could go on in the vein of ‘I am happy to see a Democratic Presidential candidate and a company that explicitly bases its business model on encouraging adultery fight it out,’ but the Supreme Court beckons.  See you on the flip side!

:rolling eyes: The Inevitability of Hillary Clinton, v2.0.

You know, I heard all of this eight years ago, too.

I think she’s already running for president, that it will be impossible to deny her the nomination, and that it will be exceedingly difficult for the Republicans to stop her in November 2016, no matter who they put on their ticket.

You know what’s changed, since then? Hillary Clinton’s almost a decade older. Which would be great for her if she had been forty in 2006. Fifty-nine? Not so much.  Love to tell the Democrats this (well, I’m not gonna lie and say that I hate to), but they should have run their top two candidates in reverse order.  But never mind me.  Go run with this inevitability thing.


Moe Lane

The Daily Beast interviews rape victim from 1975 court case involving Hillary Clinton as defense attorney.

I know that the title is clunky.  The problem is that every alternate headline that I came up with made it sound like Hillary Clinton raped a twelve year old girl.  Which is not true.

Well, possibly for a given value of ‘not true.’

Hillary Clinton is known as a champion of women and girls, but one woman who says she was raped as a 12-year-old in Arkansas doesn’t think Hillary deserves that honor. This woman says Hillary smeared her and used dishonest tactics to successfully get her attacker off with a light sentence — even though, she claims, Clinton knew he was guilty.

The victim in the 1975 sexual abuse case that became Clinton’s first criminal defense case as a 27-year-old lawyer has only spoken to the media once since her attack, a contested, short interaction with a reporter in 2008, during Clinton’s last presidential campaign run. Now 52, she wants to speak out after hearing Clinton talk about her case on newly discovered audio recordings from the 1980s, unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon[*] and made public this week.

Quick background, for people who don’t know: twelve year old was raped in Arkansas. At the 1975 trial, Hillary Clinton (defense attorney) made various claims about the victim, played a bunch of procedural games with the physical evidence, and managed to get her client a plea on a lesser charge that ended up with him in jail for a year, with two months time served.  The victim? …Had and has a hard life. Continue reading The Daily Beast interviews rape victim from 1975 court case involving Hillary Clinton as defense attorney.

Jason Mattera goes there with Hillary Clinton.

Jason Mattera went up and asked Hillary Clinton to sign a copy of her new book for him, only he wanted it made out to Chris Stevens. Because no fear.

Hillary, surprised by the request, replied, “Yeah, I’m not gonna make it out to Chris Stevens.”  Mattera followed-up with, “What difference does it make?” a reference to Clinton’s infamous 2013 Senate testimony before the Foreign Relations Committee.

This will be Secretary Clinton’s life for the next two years.  Yes, I know that we’re all really broken up about that.

Moe Lane

Sure, Hillary Clinton should promise to fulfill Barack Obama’s legacy!

I don’t really want* to fisk this article on how Hillary Clinton should run on a platform of being Barack Obama’s third term – she totally should, by the way – but it’s hard not to fisk when somebody leads off with a sentence this interruptible.  So let me just interject, the one time:

Conventional wisdom has it that President Obama’s middling poll numbers will be a drag on Hillary Clinton’s presumed march toward the presidency.

…Actually, conventional wisdom has it that President Obama’s second term poll numbers are awful, are likely to continue to be so, and are already notably below average for Presidents halfway through their second term. That’s because conventional wisdom knows that Gallup has a website where it keeps track of such things. Continue reading Sure, Hillary Clinton should promise to fulfill Barack Obama’s legacy!

Tweet of the Day, Hillary Clinton Has Had A HORRIBLE Rollout Edition.

As Twitchy notes, it’s bad when Carl Reiner feels the need to link you up with an advertising company in public.

…but here’s the thing: why does Carl Reiner think that Hillary Clinton wouldn’t return his call? The man’s a respected Hollywood figure, and his son Rob’s even more so (and a prominent activist*). You’d think that he would have access.

Moe Lane

*Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I will and have forgiven Rob Reiner much because he directed The Princess Bride, to say nothing of This is Spinal Tap.  And I regret nothing.

Quote of the Day, I Wish That I Had Written This About Hillary Clinton First edition.

Because sometimes I see something and I think I wish that I had thought of that; and sometimes I think Dang, I was in the process of working that out myself.  Anyway, here’s Ed Morrissey, talking about how Hillary Clinton’s numbers are down by double digits since 2012 (and her generally poor roll out last week):

It’s difficult to recall just when a candidate with this many advantages managed to blow them all and torpedo his or her own strategy. Oh, wait, I do — it was Hillary Clinton in 2007-8.

This is, indeed, neither Ed’s nor my first time at the rodeo.

Hillary Clinton and the Mandatory Spontaneous Magical Personal Connection Orderly Queue.

If you have a reputation for being aloof and inaccessible, this is probably not the best way to counter that:

Continue reading Hillary Clinton and the Mandatory Spontaneous Magical Personal Connection Orderly Queue.