Joe Biden is so totally running in 2016. And that’s a problem for the Democrats.

Fascinating Politico article here about Joe Biden and his desire to run in 2016.  Here is the basic problem, in a nutshell: Hillary Clinton is more or less qualified to be President* – or, at least, the Democratic nominee for President – but she is a horrible campaigner and nobody likes her.  People like Joe Biden, and he is better at the entire campaigning thing.  However: by the time 2016 rolls around “close to the Obama administration” is not going to be a selling point in the general election… and while both Clinton and Biden severely suffer from that problem, Biden suffers from it a heck of a lot more. Continue reading Joe Biden is so totally running in 2016. And that’s a problem for the Democrats.

My answer to “Is Hillary too old to run?”

Like Allahpundit and Charlie Cook I agree that Hillary Clinton is likely but not guaranteed to run; unlike either I am not convinced that she’s necessarily the front-runner. Typically people who are called the front-runner in these things are not… as Hillary Clinton herself might have ruefully told people in 2008. She actually has three things working against her:

  • Her health is indeed an issue.  A big one; and it will only become more of one as Hillary Clinton gets older*.
  • She is in fact inextricably linked to the Obama administration.  This will be neutralized in the primary to a large degree if Joe Biden also runs – he’d be even more linked to the Obama administration** – but if Obama’s numbers continue on the same trajectory that they’re on now then by fall of 2016 ‘part of Barack Obama’s Cabinet’ is not going to be a resume enhancer. Continue reading My answer to “Is Hillary too old to run?”

It astounds me that friends of politicians…

…and I mean true, sincere friends – anyway, it shocks me that you’d keep anything remotely resembling an archive of your correspondence with them. I know that you’re not supposed to say that in public, given that it flies right into the (truly good) principle of trying to preserve of history.  But… people like me exist.  And when we’re given this tidbit of information:

Hillary Clinton’s blunt assessments were not confined to Monica Lewinsky. In a Dec. 3, 1993, diary entry, [Diane] Blair recounted a conversation with the first lady about “Packwood”—a reference to then-Sen. Bob Packwood, an influential Republican on health care embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal.

“HC tired of all those whiney women, and she needs him on health care,” wrote Blair.

Continue reading It astounds me that friends of politicians…

Hillary Clinton shows Congressional Democrats that revenge is a dish best served cold.

No, seriously.

The Democratic Party’s biggest Super PAC, recently retooled as an early pro-Hillary Clinton effort, will sit out the midterm elections this year.

A spokesman with the group, Priorities USA Action, confirmed to BuzzFeed on Wednesday night that it would not be involved in House or Senate campaigns.

“House Majority PAC and Majority PAC are doing everything right and making a real difference. We fully support their efforts,” said the spokesman, Peter Kauffmann, referring to the main groups supporting Democratic congressional candidates.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton shows Congressional Democrats that revenge is a dish best served cold.

I see that Philippe Reines is still being unhelpful for Team Hillary. @katherinemiller

If you only looked at this Tweet (which started off as a reference to the remarkable piece of news that Hillary Clinton has not driven a car for almost half my lifetime)…


Continue reading I see that Philippe Reines is still being unhelpful for Team Hillary. @katherinemiller

Quote of the Day …Yes, Joe Biden Is Running For President edition.

And he’s going to be a vicious little weasel about it, too.

“John [Kerry], thank you for your passion and perseverance and the incredible, incredible energy you’ve shown in representing American interests around the world,” Biden said. “I have been here for — I have to admit — for eight presidents, and I have never seen a man or a woman with as much energy and commitment that you have shown. John, we thank you for that.”

Bolding mine, because I enjoy making trouble.  Your move, Hillary Clinton.

Moe Lane

PS: As my wife notes… no, this is subtle.  For Joe Biden, at least.

Tweet of the Day, …I Forget, Sometimes, That Not Everybody Is As Numb edition.

I mean, I knew this, right?


Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …I Forget, Sometimes, That Not Everybody Is As Numb edition.

Tweet of the Day, We’re Probably Going To Run Somebody Twenty Years Younger edition.

That will make a difference.


You gotta remember, folks: the Hillary that’s in a lot of Righty heads is the Hillary Clinton from twenty years ago. The one we have now is much older, readily linkable to any number of scandals and screw-ups, and has health problems. I’m not saying that we can’t lose, but I am saying that if Hillary Clinton had won in 2008 and Barack Obama was still the junior Senator from Illinois I’d be sweating the next election a whole heck of a lot more than I am now.

Moe Lane

Rooting for Injuries Watch: Hillary versus Warren.

Depressingly, I have to agree with Ben Domenech here*:

Even if [Elizabeth Warren] ultimately runs, I’m far more skeptical about Warren’s ability to actually beat the Hillary machine, in part because of the differences and similarities between the last inspiring progressive Senator who stole Hillary’s rightful place on the throne. The Obama nomination came out of nowhere – the explosion of an organic internet-driven fundraising challenger to the Clinton machine fueled in part by dramatic hopes for history-making achievement combined with a thriving cult of personality – and is unlikely to be replicated with Warren, who has nowhere near that kind of appeal nor the apparent ambition to go after the party establishment directly. That’s how she’s different. Continue reading Rooting for Injuries Watch: Hillary versus Warren.

How #obamacare is messing up MANY Dem 2016 candidates’ lives.

I mean, obviously it’s going to mess up Joe Biden’s life: he’s the Vice President of the administration who turned the roll-out of the single most iconic representation of the progressive/liberal concept of big government into a prolonged rake-stepping session.  And just as obviously it’s going to mess up Hillary Clinton’s life, too: she’s the woman who brought the rake in the first place.  Remember: that individual mandate?  All Hillary Clinton’s idea.

But I digress.  Anyway, that’s the executive branch more or less blighted by this law; and even if there were any credible 2016 Democratic candidates among the legislature they’d all be tainted by President Obama’s Happy Shiny Fun-Time Healthcare Debacle by now anyway.  But what of the governors?  Surely one or two of them remains… unspoiled. Continue reading How #obamacare is messing up MANY Dem 2016 candidates’ lives.