[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers. For the record: The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is one of the greatest science fiction novels ever written.
…in the course of discussing some of the fallout from the Su-suumi Event -background here and here; the short version is that the recent bird die-off in the Southeast was the usual ‘trainee pilot on the stealthed alien vessel’ problem – Glenn Reynolds opined:
Z’ir, you are a bad boy. Er, you would be, anyway, if notions of gender applied to your species.
As if an alien species were not sufficiently evolved to grasp (if you’ll pardon the pun, or perhaps double entendre) the concept of a mere two-valued basic sexual identity classification system. Its very simplicity – coupled with the paradoxical counter-impulse to make the system more complex via a nigh-infinite set of rules, viewpoints, and physical modifications – is what makes Terran pornography the hottest black market material in the galaxy. It’s gotten to the point where the Galactic post-adolescent sexual activity recording industry has become the primary advocate for speeding up First Contact protocols: said industry lusts after the truly obscene synergistic profits that would come from opening up Earth to full Galactic intercourse…
Yes. I’ll stop now.
Moe Lane
*Redundant, yes.