In Nomine Revisited: Omparkash, Renegade Demon of Fear of Darkness


Balseraph Baron of Screams

Renegade Demon of Fear of Darkness

Corporeal Forces: 4 Strength: 6 Agility: 10

Ethereal Forces: 6 Intelligence: 12 Precision: 12

Celestial Forces: 6 Will: 12 Perception: 12

Word-Forces: 14

Vessel: Male/2

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In Nomine Revisited: Secret Societies in Alpha Complex.

Secret Societies in Alpha Complex

Or, “Why Secret Societies are not the answer, either.”

Many Demon Princes have infiltrated Alpha Complex, of course. They send in their spies, who develop their own organizations inside the Principality, hoping to quietly take control through influence and corruption. Gee, I wonder what the Computer might call groups of Commie Mutant Traitors who were formally plotting in secret to bend society to their will?

That’s right: Secret Societies, just like in the original game.  And just like in the original game, Secret Societies are largely useless!  For their members, at least. Demon Princes and GMs alike will find them very useful when it comes to causing problems.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Secret Societies in Alpha Complex.

In Nomine Revisited: The Principality of Alpha Complex.

I wrote up Paranoia old school Paranoia — for In Nomine once, and now I have the files again. I’ll be putting up the stuff that I did back then over the next few days. It needs… a little tightening up, honestly. Sometimes I can get away with proof-reading, sometimes I need to do a bit more. This is a ‘bit more’ kind of situation.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Principality of Alpha Complex.

In Nomine Revisted:

This one I had to edit a little.

The computer revolution (particularly the Internet) has not been a completely positive development, from the point of view of Heaven.  On the one hand, it allows all sorts of people to come together in new and interesting ways, to accomplish things that they never could by themselves; on the other hand, well, it allows all sorts of people to come together in new and interesting ways, to accomplish things that they never could by themselves.  Free will can be maddening at times, especially when you have only an empirical understanding of it.  This might partially explain why the relevant section of the Heavenly Host immediately targeted from Day One, and will continue to target it until somebody gets the hint; it may not be all that important, but it’s something that they can actually strike at, by God.

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In Nomine Revisited: Ducks.


Corporeal Forces: 1 Strength: 2 Agility: 2

Ethereal Forces: 0 Intelligence: 1 Precision: 1

Celestial Forces: 0 Will: 0 Perception: 1

Advantages: Toughness/2 (Ducks seem to shrug off bullets, as any hunter will tell you. They’re always finding ducks with old gunshot wounds, believe it or not.)

Body Hits: 6

Skills: Dodge/4, Fighting/4, Flying/6, Swimming/3

This is, like, you know, a duck. It quacks, swims, and flies. It pecks for a straight 2 Body Hits per attack, presuming that you somehow annoy it enough. Ducks usually don’t go looking for trouble, though. Indeed, the only reason why I even bothered with this write-up is that, sometimes, trouble goes looking for them.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Ducks.