In Nomine Revisited: Usul, Angel of Chocolate.

As I recall, the major objection to this one was that I made the Angel of Chocolate a dude. Don’t yell at me; yell at Frank Herbert. He’s the guy I was ripping off, after all.

Cherub Master of the Armies of God
Angel of Chocolate (with apologies to Frank Herbert)

Corporeal Forces: 5 Strength: 8 Agility: 12
Ethereal Forces: 6 Intelligence: 12 Precision: 12
Celestial Forces: 6 Will: 12 Perception: 12
Word-Forces: 17

Vessel: human male/5, Charisma +1

Skills: Dodge/6, Emote/6, Fast-Talk/3, Fighting/6, Knowledge (Chocolate/6, Biochemistry/6, Theology/3), Large Weapon/3 (Sword), Survival/6 (Desert), Savoir-Faire/3, Small Weapon/6 (Knife), Tactics/6

Songs: Affinity (Corporeal/6), Battle (Celestial/6), Charm (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/3, Celestial/6), Light (Celestial/6), Might (All/2), Motion (Celestial/6), Shields (All/6, virtuoso), Tongues (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/3) … and what’s rumored to be a very specific Pestilence (Corporeal/6) and Entropy (Corporeal/6).

Attunements: Cherub of the Sword, Seraph of the Sword, Mercurian of the Sword, Cherub of Flowers, Scabbard, Purity of Purpose, Holy Fortitude, Rock Hard, One to One, Transubstantiation, Smite, Synchronicity, Master of the Armies of God, Angel of Chocolate

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Usul, Angel of Chocolate.

In Nomine Revisited: Tonics

(Addiction cost: 3/level)

This type of drug is the latest thing to hit the streets: it’s going to be a while before the corporeal authorities can properly assess that it’s anything more than a particularly odd version of cocaine, though.  That’s not too surprising, however, as the DEA isn’t exactly set up for the analysis of supernatural and alchemical substances. …OK, that last bit is a lie: the DEA has the largest proportion of outsiders aware of the War of any American government organization outside of the Secret Service and.or the Library of Congress.  It’s just that every one of those outsiders is still trying to make up their minds about whether they should wreck their careers by talking to somebody else about all the weird stuff that they’ve been coming across (it should be amusing to see the inevitable cascade of mutual realization).

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Tonics

In Nomine Revisited: Shalgiel, Demon of Snow.

Another school closing tomorrow. Yay.

Impudite Knight of the Dead
Demon of Snow

Corporeal Forces: 4 Strength: 10 Agility: 6
Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 7 Precision: 9
Celestial Forces: 6 Will: 12 Perception: 12
Word-Forces: 6
Vessel/2 (small man, Charisma -1)

Skills: Dodge/3, Fighting/3, Knowledge (Meteorology/6, Psychology/3), Survival (Forest/2, Mountains/2, Arctic/6)

Songs: Blood (Ethereal/3, Celestial/1), Entropy (Ethereal/4), Form (Corporeal/3, Ethereal/3), Ice (Corporeal/2, Ethereal/2, Celestial/6), Motion (All/3), Sleep (Ethereal/6), Shields (All/3), Storms (All/6, Virtuoso), Tongues (Ethereal/6)

Attunements: Balseraph of Death (special: see below), Calabite of Death, Impudite of Death, Zombi, Vampiric Kiss, Demon of Snow

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Shalgiel, Demon of Snow.

In Nomine Revisited: Parpar.

Primal Spirits

Corporeal Forces: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 3
Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence: 6 Precision: 6
Celestial Forces: 3 Will: 6 Perception: 6

Elements: Life: Beasts

Affinities: Speed (primal), Obscurement (moderate)

Skills: Area Knowledge/1 (Marches), Dodge/5, Dreaming/3, Fighting/6, Flying/3, Language (Angelic/3, Varies/1), Move Silently/4, Survival/1 (The Marches), Tactics/1, Tracking/3

Songs: Ethereal Healing/3, Celestial Draining/1

Dread: Pointless cruelty/3 (3pt/level)

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Parpar.

In Nomine Revisited: Project Silence: DETACHMENT.

I know that this doesn’t make much sense, as written: it was based on an old concept that somebody else came up with for In Nomine. Think “Delta Green, but they’re fighting angels and demons, and it’s not quite so hopeless for Delta Green.” I had a friend asking around on it, though, so I might as well see how this works in the new system. (You can find the Project Silence stuff here.

Project Silence: DETACHMENT

Department of Collation
Office of Corporeal Observation
(Subdivision: North American Continent)
Commerce Park

Classification: NTN (Verification: SERAPH)

The following is a transcript of a meeting dated XX/XX/XX in Washington City, District of Columbia, the United States of America (precise corporeal space-time coordinates have been classified as NTN, Verification: SERAPH ARCHANGEL).  More complete dossiers on the participants are available upon request.  All Servitors of Trade, Revelations, Protection, Destiny, and Judgement cleared for this report are instructed to immediately report any and all encounters of the term “Project Silence: DETACHMENT” to their superiors.  Under no circumstances shall any cleared entity attempt to investigate said project further without full support from the appropriate agencies.

List of entities present at this meeting:

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Project Silence: DETACHMENT.

GURPS In Nomine Revisited: Sin’an.

Sin’an 8_12 pt – Google Docs

Sin’an                                               8/12 pt

Primary Skill: Sin’an
Secondary Skills: Body Language, Tactics
Optional Skills: Acrobatics, various melee weapons, Shield
Maneuvers: Breakfall, Disarm, Elbow Strike, Ground Fighting, Knee Strike, Stamp Kick (1pt), Sweeping Kick
Cinematic Maneuvers: Roll With Blow
Cinematic Skills: Blind Fighting, Immovable Stance, Push, see below

(At the GM’s option, Sin’an adepts might also buy Extra Hit Points; this would be appropriate even for non-cinematic practitioners of the style.)

At its most basic, Sin’an is an unarmed style, but students also often study hand weapon techniques and shield use.  Sin’an focuses on controlling the battlefield, and making good use of the ground; a user of Sin’an will often prefer to enter close combat, grapple, and then either throw or slam his opponent down.  Sin’an also teaches attacks that are useful when grappling.  Though not part of the main martial style, Sin’an teachers who also teach weapon skills often provide a good overview of those weapons’ close combat techniques.   Continue reading GURPS In Nomine Revisited: Sin’an.

In Nomine Revisited: The Game: Vice Division.

The Game_ Vice Division – Google Docs

The Game: Vice Division

The official name is actually the Unnatural Vice Division, which sounds surreal until you understand what the Game means by it. Basically, both angels and demons can suffer from two different kinds of dissonance. There’s Word dissonance, which comes from a betrayal of the celestial’s Superior’s overall vision; and there Band dissonance, which comes from a betrayal of the celestial’s own inherent nature. The Game’s theoretical purpose is to stamp out examples of either as being a hindrance to the War. A dissonant demon is one step away from being a Discordant demon, which is one step away from being a Renegade demon, and so forth, so the Game acts proactively. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Game: Vice Division.

In Nomine Revisited: Good Friday.

Writing stuff about the Archangel of the Sword was always a favorite of mine, not least because I actually take the medieval period seriously.  Not always accurately, but seriously.

Good Friday – Google Docs

Good Friday

There’s one thing that’s told to every demon assigned to Earth duty, at the earliest possible opportunity. In fact, for the first few weeks, every other demon that the trainee meets will make it a point to mention said thing, in blithe disregard for Word or Band-hostility. They have to, as most demons don’t want to hear this piece of advice, even when it’s in their best interest to do so, and constant repetition (and negative reinforcement) is the best way to make sure that it sinks in. The advice is simple: Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Good Friday.