Ethereal Spirit: Burning Jack [In Nomine]

Burning Jack – Google Docs

Burning Jack

Ethereal Spirit

Corporeal Forces: 1 Strength 2 Agility 2

Ethereal Forces: 3 Intelligence 5 Precision 7

Celestial Forces: 3 Will 7 Perception 5

Elements: Astronomical Concepts (The Moon), Classical Elements (Fire), Emotions (Fear)

Affinities: Fire (Primal), Fear (Strong), Deception (Moderate), Divination (Moderate), Glamour (Slight)

Skills: Area Knowledge/3 (Dreamlands), Dreaming/6, Emote/6, Fighting/6, Knowledge/6 (Human Psychology), Language/3 (English), Language/3 (Spanish), Move Silently/6, Survival/3 (The Marches)

Songs: Draining (Celestial/1) Continue reading Ethereal Spirit: Burning Jack [In Nomine]

Item: The History Club (In Nomine)

The History Club

This is, in fact, a club.  As in, it is a wooden (boxwood) weapon that you use to hit people with.  It’s just that it’s also a supernatural club (Power +4, Accuracy -1) that’s been wielded by the Angel of History for thousands of years. Rather forcibly, at times. And it’s been pretty much basting in an esoteric stew of nigh-palpable frustration and aggravation for that entire time.  Apparently the Angel of History has communication issues… or, at least, people have difficulty understanding the Angel of History. You know the saying “History doesn’t always repeat itself: sometimes it screams ‘Why won’t you ever LISTEN to what I am SAYING?!!’ and lets fly with a club”? Yeah, this is that Club.

Continue reading Item: The History Club (In Nomine)

I may be looking for some In Nomine players.

Not for me, personally: but a buddy of mine is putting together an adventure and I said that I could run an online playtest. I’ll need people who are familiar with In Nomine for that one, though. And it will NOT happen before Washingcon. But if doing an online adventure playtest sounds interesting, drop me a line in comments and whatnot.

In Nomine Attunement: A Schlock to the System (Dark Humor)

Haven’t done one of these in a while.  It’s a bit long for an Attunement, at that. Perhaps too long. Also: blame this.

A Schlock to the System (Dark Humor)

This Attunement cannot be bought normally: Kobal gives it out strictly as a gift (see below). It allows the holder to temporarily give unholy life to inanimate items, provided that the items in question are (at a bare minimum) horribly tacky.  For every two Essence the demon spends, he can imbue the item with the equivalent of one Force; the item will need a minimum of one Force in each category.  Calculate Body, Mind, and Soul Hits as if the item was a celestial with a vessel/2: typically, the item will have Move Silently/4, Small Weapon/4 (Knife), and Tracking/4. Continue reading In Nomine Attunement: A Schlock to the System (Dark Humor)

In which my In Nomine core rulebook purchase got amusingly screwed up.

So, it’s like this: I have the core rules for In Nomine, of course. Specifically, I had the core rules hardcover reprint that got put out in… 2000, I guess?  I had the 1997 full-color soft-color, too – but I’m pretty sure that I sent that out to the troops when somebody was setting up an RPG convention in Iraq.  Anyway, I was flipping through the reprint the other day, decided that I missed the full-color illustrations, and went onto Amazon to see if there was a decent copy that wasn’t too expensive.  There was! Fourteen bucks, very good condition, no shipping costs.  Sold!

So I assumed I was getting the softcover. This is what I actually got: Continue reading In which my In Nomine core rulebook purchase got amusingly screwed up.

Speaking of In Nomine: next year is its 20th anniversary.

It would be absolutely awesome if there was a Special Edition, or a Special Anniversary Edition – or a Special and Second Edition, if I’m going to shoot for the moon.  I should start putting that idea in people’s ears. I mean, I get that it’d be low on Steve Jackson Games’ priority list, but surely something could be done, yes?  Everybody else is getting their favorite old games reissued through the magic of Kickstarter; so whine whine whine complain complain kvetch kvetch…