Item seed: Draconic Lightning Pistolet.

Draconic Lightning Pistolet – Google Docs

Draconic Lightning Pistolet


The Draconic Lightning Pistolet looks like what a wizard would come up with if she had seen a working raygun in operation; which is fair, because that’s largely what happened.  The wizard was one Damoiselle Yvette Marie Silverlight (Lady-Protector of Windhills), and the raygun was the property of a rather dashing stranger, strong of jaw and moral purpose, that showed up to help the forces of Good during one rather complicated weekend.  Two days of desperate heroics later, the hero was gone, back to his stars — and Damoiselle Silverlight had a notebook full of interesting sketches and working theories.

Continue reading Item seed: Draconic Lightning Pistolet.

Item Seed: Improvised Field Dolormancy, Part Six.

Improvised Field Dolormancy, Part Six – Google Docs

Improvised Field Dolormancy, Part Six


This video clip is about nine minutes long, and uses a format compatible with Youtube’s, circa 2008 or so.  The metadata says that it was created on 1/1/2009, but the information has been otherwise corrupted. The video quality is what would be expected from a high-end video being uploaded to Youtube, ripped from that site, then copied a few times with some care.

Continue reading Item Seed: Improvised Field Dolormancy, Part Six.

Item Seed: Video #HAN-083000-17-HI-G23.

Video #HAN-083000-17-HI-G23 – Google Docs

Video #HAN-083000-17-HI-G23


This video record will appear in whichever format is most convenient for the campaign, except as something streamable; there are various government restrictions against reproducing Video #HAN-083000-17-HI-G23 (hereafter just called ‘the Video’) in a manner that would make it easy for it to be released on the Internet.  It could be done, of course. It’s just that somebody would have to work at it, and then most likely go to federal prison for ten years. It’s happened at least once.

Continue reading Item Seed: Video #HAN-083000-17-HI-G23.

Item Seed: Molotok.

Molotok – Google Docs


This aluminum and glass gavel was constructed in 1862 by the House of Faberge at the behest of Czar Alexander II.  As far as anybody can tell, Molotok was not imbued with any sort of supernatural or esoteric power; it was meant as a highly expensive gimcrack commemorating the Czar’s program of judicial reform, and it largely languished in obscurity for the next sixty years. It certainly did not have a True Name until the Russian Revolution.

However, Molotok did start generating significant occult power (and its Name) during the Bolshevik takeover, starting with the judge who used it to pulverize a Communist assassination squad sent to purge him and his family.  That judge went on to wield Molotok throughout the entire Russian Civil War, to admittedly great personal effect (use of it eventually got himself and his family out of Vladivostok and into Japan, back in 1922); but its ability to do tremendous amounts of kinetic damage to Communist-aligned villains could not turn the course of the war. Molotok is strictly a tactical weapon.

Continue reading Item Seed: Molotok.

Item Seed: Sword #89-5050.

Sword #89-5050 – Google Docs

Sword #89-5050

Description: a serviceable Chinese straight sword (jian), made of decent-quality steel from the the Seventh Century AD.  The hilt is made out of wire-wrapped wood, with steel forward pointing wings in the shape of batlike wings, and sports a jade pommel (different in style than the rest of the sword).  The scabbard is lacquered wood over, of all things, asbestos fibers. The overall color scheme is of gold and black. Continue reading Item Seed: Sword #89-5050.

Item Seed: Kanaalmunten.

Kanaalmunten – Google Docs


Despite the name, Kanaalmunten (literally, “canal coins”) can come from any recognized body of water: canals, rivers, ponds, bays, streams, oceans… even an abandoned swimming pool, if the conditions are right.  Said conditions are: somebody has to accidentally lose a metal coin in the water, and the coin has to remain there undisturbed for at least a year and a day. When that happens, the coin becomes a Kanaalmunten.

Continue reading Item Seed: Kanaalmunten.

Item Seed: Gloop.

Gloop – Google Docs


Gloop comes in 20 ounce plastic bottles, typically in sets of six.  The labels on the bottles are singularly unhelpful: the only information on them is the name (“Gloop”) in a large boring font, and the phrase “Refrigerate after opening” in English, Spanish, and Mandarin in a somewhat smaller, yet still boring, font.  When opened, Gloop appears to be a somewhat thick carbonated beverage, with a slightly musky smell and a smoky taste. It tastes good, but it absolutely does not taste sweet. Once opened, Gloop goes bad after about a week if refrigerated, two days if not.

Continue reading Item Seed: Gloop.

Item Seed: Doit.

Doit – Google Docs


Description: a one-handed hatchet of exotic metals and woods, exceptionally sharp and corrosion-resistant. The artifact takes its name from the “DOIT” inscribed on its head; esoteric examination of the item reveals that this is Doit’s True Name.  Doit is throwable, and smells not unpleasantly of sun-baked steel and leather. Doit does normal damage for an axe of its type, with one exception: he doesn’t fumble or glance.

Technically, Doit is a weapon possessed by a death-spirit with telepathic abilities and an uncritical willingness to solve problems by splitting their skulls with an axe. This has to be conceded.  It also has to be conceded that those who wield Doit must soon grow accustomed to his (Doit is definitely a ‘he’) polite, but inexorable commentary on the joys of chopping away one’s troubles. The axe never completely shuts about it, honestly.

Continue reading Item Seed: Doit.

Item Seed: Nixiade.

Nixiade – Google Docs


Yes, unfortunately, it’s made from nixies.  Living nixies, too — and, rest assured, the nixies did not volunteer to be converted into a tasty, calorie-free, carbonated ‘health’ drink that promises ‘all of the sweetness, none of the guilt!’ Blind taste testing suggests that the second half of that slogan is inaccurate; consumers who were then told that their zero-calorie taste sensation was actually the homogenized corpse of a sapient being who had had been fed into the hopper while still alive and screaming universally tended to feel rather guilty indeed for enjoying Nixiade. It was remarkable, really, how universal the revulsion was. Humanity: every now and then, they pleasantly surprise you.

Continue reading Item Seed: Nixiade.

Item Seed: Fireball Vodka.

Fireball Vodka – Google Docs

Fireball Vodka

Fireball Vodka is complicated.  It’s vodka! That’s magically infused with a standard Fireball spell! But at the same time, you can drink it!  And people do! It is, in fact, all the rage at the most ostentatious parties, precisely because you can drink it. It’s ludicrously expensive to make, but when you have the money to burn, that just makes it trendy.

Continue reading Item Seed: Fireball Vodka.